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release date info (according to eb)


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hey i dropped by my local eb for lunch to pick up medal of honor(solid game highly reccomend it).


On the shelf i notice an box for soldier of fortune 2 double helix. Im like wtf have i been asleep for a few months and missed the release? No i havent been, in my hungering stupor i didnt see the "coming soon" sticker for the first few seconds.


Well after i notice "coming soon" on the box im like wait a minute, i thought raven was going to release JKO first. So i scan the games for a "coming soon" JKO box. Nothing there.


So i ask the drunken EB guy. "hey bud"(they dont understand normal english you must talk to them in their native dialect) "whats gives dude" "whats the release date for SOF2"


he gives me this look like he really doesnt give a **** he thinks he is cooler than me because he is a drunkard who is above childish video games. haha i think to myself as i remember i made more in the last hour than he will all day.


he checks his computer screen and says "uhmm" (desperetly trying to hide the smell of the rum he had mixed in his coffee) "sof2 comes in on march the 6th"


march 6 i think to myself that cant be right. so i ask "well dude then when is like JK2 going to be out"


To which he exclaims "according to my computer april the 3rd".


OMG NO i say to myself, APRIL 3RD!!! thats like 3 months away.


Angry, i slam down my cash for MOH and walk away before he starts trying to talk shop with me.


moral of the story is:


wtf? i thought JKO was coming out sooner


*disclaimer* i dont take EB as the authoritative body on all game releases. but this close to a gold game release they are usually pretty close.

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Guest X-Vector

Even though Kenn has mentioned March as the targeted month of release, there isn't a specific official release date and the game hasn't gone gold yet - anything may still happen.

Release dates issued by retailers or publishers mean squat without official confirmation anyway.

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Well, it looks like the bloke you spoke to at EB was wrong about SoF, so he could well be wrong about Outcast as well. <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue</A> is reporting that a <A HREF="http://jim.be/html/content/games/nieuws/details.htm?id=499">Belgian gaming site carries news</A> that SoF has been delayed till the end of the year. Of course, nothing is official until we hear this from Raven themselves.


[EDIT] - This information has subsequently been <A HREF="http://www.gaminggroove.com/comment.cfm?id=2833">denied</A>. What a tangled web we weave, eh? - [/EDIT]

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Originally posted by X-Vector

Even though Kenn has mentioned March as the targeted month of release, there isn't a specific official release date and the game hasn't gone gold yet - anything may still happen.

Release dates issued by retailers or publishers mean squat without official confirmation anyway.


Well, there's a lotta time to go gold ....


Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption went gold, and exactly one week later you could buy it ...


In fact, most games only need 1-2 weeks to go from gold to store, so this shouldn't be the deciding factor ...

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