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My favorite features of the game so far


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Well aas of all I've read, I've decided to share with you all what I like and of course post what you like too. Ok first off I like how you can lock sabers and hold them together I read you can do that. It'd be fun to hold it for a while and then your guy's face gets all angry and turns into Darth Maul.. ok anyways. I also like the story it seems really cool and should be lots of fun like the first one to know the whole story. I also like all the different saber moves not even the number of them, but the fact they're unique like the stab and overheard slash already excite me which will make multiplayer more ermm.. well people will master the controls then gain skill instead of skill over another because of the advanced control of binding FIRE2 :D I have more, but this is too much too read for now, but please share what you like with the community.

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I'm mostly looking forward to throwing my sabre at the bad guys and having then sliced in two. And also the three level force abilities should be great fun too. But most of all I'm just looking forward to taking the cd out of the box and loading the game up and saying goodbye to the outside world for a good week or two.


Till then I'm playing JK again and reading the boards while waiting for that demo or video.


Till we meet online.

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I think they should have made a version with moderate blood/gore...say a little bit of blood spurts out of the stormtroopers or something like that...not that I'm sadistic or anything, but I think it'll be weird to see that stormtroopers look just the same on the inside as out.

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Seriously? Even a little bit of blood? I would expect that if people can get shot and blood spurts out of them and onto the wall behind like in GoldenEye for the n64, then they could do it here as well.


although maybe combined with dismemberment it may be just a little bit TOO realistic. Plus, lightsabers are supposed to cauterize wounds instantly anyway.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Where did you read or hear that........I havent, but the idea of it sounds real cool :)


It's from the Gamespot preview.


"...the ultimate form of force choke will let you hold enemies in midair and throw them in any direction--including onto a group of onrushing storm troopers--with a flick of your mouse."


Sounds awesome :D

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