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The Gia trick exposed!

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

Ah i was playing around on gamespy this morning and a dufus accidentally let slip that there IS a trick that makes gia keep giving you food over and over....soon as i inquired about it he shut up and didnt talk about it anymore. I always wondered how the nerds on MSN Gaming zone were always so confident when they challenged me to one on one's. I'm willin to bet the gia trick is the mainstay for about 99% of the dufuses on the zone and prolly about 75% of the people on this board. If you know the secret why not go ahead and post it....you might as well, with nimrods like the guy mentioned above soon it will become commonplace anyhow..hehe

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I think someone leading you on a bug that big would not have escpaed the dev notice one person is bond to find out and rat them out. As for their confidnece gamers are a ****y bunch they'll never admit someone is better then them and they always think they can win if they didn't they proably never would.

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

Please don't post rumors of such a bug/game crack without having actually experienced it yourself in a game. Also, have a recorded game of the problem available. Such a crack would show up there.


If you do have such a recorded game showing a game crack, post to the developers forum immediately, and email the game to Lucas Arts.


If you do not, cease reporting rumors. Rumors only injure the whole gaming community. Remember, some people are way better at scouting that others! :) It can sure look like they got unlimited food if they found 25 nerfs, and you found 6!

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Guest PhantomMenace

whoa whoa whoa!!! Lot of hostility here if you do think it is false eh? You all sound a little ticked off? Why you gettin ticked off at something you think is false unless you know its true and you are angry that someone is sheddin light on it. I guess the good way out of this is to say "well show us proof". Obviously by reading my first post you know that i myself dont actually know how to do this or the zone players will ceratainly have had their asses whooped, i only got a real good hunch that it is going on, so you knew the answer to your own question ahead of time you just wated to say that air some doubt about what im saying. Look guys if somebodies on to your little secret dont get your panties in a wad. It doesnt really matter to me cuz i guess unlike some of you my whole life doesnt revlove around this game. I play lots of other games and as i have seen everything there is to see about SWGB i'm beggining to play it even less so i care less what people on this board think cuz i do lots of other things and play lots of other games. Thank goodness cuz i think i would go nuts from all the crying and whinning on this board.

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1.) There is no bug like that.

2.) Some experts, like me, have micromanagement skillz

3.) I put my first 8 workers on food

4.) I dont make farms unless I have to

5.) I am not even the best...I've seen ppl t2 in 9:00 and I know ppl that can t3 in 14:30

6.) You can do that in a scen, with triggers, but NOT IN RM!

7.) He must of been talking about his n00b playing infinite money on scen crap

8.) There is no bug like that.

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Mods, I think he meant to post this in the 'Wacko conspiracy game' thread. You wanna move it? :D


I remember when I first played AoE on the zone, and I also thught that those experts HAD to be cheating to be that good. But as you get better you realise how it all works. No-one is cheating you.

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sorry to sound stupid but what is a "gia"? is that the computer? i thought that my boyfriend was stealing my resources once with his spaceport...it turns out it trades...nova...and not from your stock piles...on one of the boards someone says if you defeat somebody and you don't destroy their trade center that you can make it an ally and trade with it to get more nova...in trun you could trade that for food...


and why does that sound like someone is cheating...to get tons of food...or is it just me...doesn't it seem like after you get the game going you start getting abundance of food and carbon...and not enough of anything else...??


And the hostility is only coming from you Phantom.... :eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...


Ya know I think i've figured it all out!! Phantom Menace MUST BE a DWARF!! Cause he thinks he's walkin' silently through a forest throwing rocks around and has no IDEA that an army can pounce and kill him at any moment. With your mouth Phantom, we could all shoot you a mile away...with our eyes closed. When you responded to me as a jerk that you are I thought your responses might have factual basis to them cause you're in here. But if anyone let's you go, you'll expose yourself as an idiot through your own typing. If I sound harsh to anyone, perhaps you should read his other posts throughout the forum, they speak for themselves.

As far as 'knowing all in the game' whatta joke, you couldn't trigger your own orgasm through masturbation let alone designing one in this game. All you comments are unapplicable. Do you even know what a trigger is?The only thing boring about this game is YOU, I'm glad you're not included on my version. At least Jar-Jar knew what he was saying, you sound dumb & are apparently ARE dumb. You project all of your faults onto others and cloud up these forums with your mundane idiocy and whining. The only one whining is you! The only one talking 'bout other games on a REGULAR basis is you! The only one hostile is YOU. The only idiot gamer around seems to be you (based on your own opinions) You get beat so easily when you play others cause idiots never make good leaders.

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