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Episode 2's connection with Jedi Outcast???


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1. The NSYNC thing was NOT a hoax.


2. What WAS a hoax was that they had been cut due to public outrage. This is NOT true and as it stands they are still in, pending the final editorial decsion in April. Though I think you will all be hard pressed to spot them, their part is so brief.


Public opinion will NEVER affect what you see in a Star Wars film. Ever.


3. I can see no visible link between AOTC and Jedi Outcast. That whole 'Stormtroopers being clones' thing is very speculative. They certainly don't have to be; a galaxy that size with only a tiny conscription rate would have over a billion troopers. They MIGHT be clones, we just don't know.


Maybe there is an off-hand reference to one of the new locations or people from AOTC and that is about it.


I remember people talking about the Episode I links in Force Commander; all there was was a couple of pod racers on Tatooine. Wow.

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I think everyone was aware of that.


It wouldn't make a difference., Force Commander was way ahead of TPM, but the Racers still make a good reference.


Any small reference could easily be fitted in. There are two new planets and plenty of new pieces of tech in AOTC that could be mentioned.

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Hmm, more than thirty years after Ep2, I wonder what connection there could be, other than tenuous cloning thingies. Those bot-things with red headscarves look a little clonish maybe.


On a side note, I do hope Lucas doesn't intend to make the IV - VI period Stormtroopers clones. It'd be feeble and rather annoying, since most of the novels say otherwise, and a lot of people have been scotching the same unsubstantiated rumour for years. :(

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Im putting my money on a scene with boba fett, maybe a duel? Anways i bet the scene will be alike the one in ep2, maybe he'll mention something about him piloting at 12..? Maybe he'll say something about his father jango, heh who knows... though im almost completely convinced it will be bobafett, just more believable and do able, i guess.. :):fett:

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Originally posted by Ushgarak

Which would involve the clones being force sensitive and the Jedi not annihilating the facilities after the Wars.


Unlikely, both.


The Wayland and Byss facilities were not destroyed, so it's possible others survived.


As for the clones being force sensitive, maybe they just clone the Inner Circle... At least, what's left.

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Midichlorians don't work like that. They are a symptom, not a cause. People with hig Force Sensitivity have lots of MCs living in them- the MC's don't CAUSE the Force Sensitivity.


Meanwhile, those two facilities mentioned are EU and have nothing to do with the films. There is only ONE facility in the coming film. The CLones they produce are not Force Sensitive.


Basically, ignore any references to cloning made in the books. Like Fett's history, they will be rendered invalid by AOTC. Take the advice of StarWars.com, and 'Forget the books'.

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Midi-Chlorians are a symbiotic life form. They are attracted to the Force potential of people, and in return they allow said person access to the Force.


The point is, MCs are a naturally occuring life form that live in BALANCE. Such a life form lives in harmony with the environment around it. It does NOT create the environment for itself! That would be extremely UNNATURAL, and unbalancing.


So, your force potential is useless without the MCs. But the MCs do not CREATE it, they are simply attracted to it.


Hence, anyone with a high Force potential will have large amounts of MCs in their bodies, attracted by said potential.


If you go down the rather ridiculous line of having MCs CAUSE Force power, you get silly situations in which you could inject someone full of MCs to give them vast amounts of Force power. This is blatantly not so.


We do not actually know, yet, if Force potential is genetic. So it may actually be possible to use genetic engineering to create force sensitives, who would then in turn have high MC counts, though I doubt it. That does not seem to be the plot of AOTC.


So you have to move away from the idea that MCs cause the Force talent. It is useless without them, force talent and MCs always go together, but they do NOT cause it.


If you took the MCs form a Jedi they would simply return to their normal level over time. If you injected them into someone without potential, they would simply die or move on over time. Reagrdless, over time they would return to the natural level as determined by the local habitat (as with any other natural life form), which for them is entirely determined by the force potential of the person they are in.


So, to sum up: They are a symptom, not a cause.

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I'm not going to argue about midi-chlorians, but I agree with those of you who think that all stormtroopers are actually clones. It occurred to me that perhaps Kyle rams into stormies who are still wearing those earlier "clonetooper" armours from AOTC on some distant imperial base; maybe they have been there quite some time and don't know how times has changed, because transportations to there have stopped long time ago and they haven't got any maintenance personal who could fix their transmission generators. OR perhaps there is a "secret" imperial gun storage that has preserved few clonetrooper armours alongside guns and ammo(nice easter eggs in that case). ;) BTW, here is a cool wallpaper of clonetroopers if you haven't already seen it. :D

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First: Though I find the concept very intriguing, I doubt that all stormtroopers will be clones...though likely many will be, since they have to do something with the clones, right? My theory is that new stormtroopers are "normal". Perhaps the old ones are clones.


This is if cloning was ever given up in the first place.

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maybe the clone troopers fail somehow and are disbanded/destroyed, forcing the empire to turn to recruiting/forcing people to become troopers instead...


as for midichlorians, obviously they are supposed to resemble the mitochondria all living things possess, and like midichlorians, mitochondria are their own life form, they have their own DNA, but are symbiotic with our bodies. Mitochondria are what power our bodies, much like midichlorians "power" the force in a living being...

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