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Lucas strikes at the Combine


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If you haven't seen theForce.net news, Lucas's goons is trying to shut down the Star Wars Combine. Check the news at http://www.swcombine.com/news


The Combine is just great. How can you say that is any competition to Galaxies? It is a free, fan-based simulation - not a true commercial, for profit enterprise. Its not logical at all. What's 1700, who most will play SWG anyway, to the millions of those already registered for SWG?


Take this as another example of how Lucas screws its fans. And with the Decipher issue, it is obvious that all they want is profit.


Please sign our petition. http://www.petitiononline.com/swcvslf/petition.html


If we all stand strong, then maybe one day all those guys at LEC will wake up and think logically for once.

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Originally posted by Evaders99

The Combine is just great. How can you say that is any competition to Galaxies? It is a free, fan-based simulation - not a true commercial, for profit enterprise. Its not logical at all. What's 1700, who most will play SWG anyway, to the millions of those already registered for SWG?


Take this as another example of how Lucas screws its fans. And with the Decipher issue, it is obvious that all they want is profit.


I agree they shouldn't shut down the site but i understand why. Read carefully. The free online community is in competition with a lucasfilms OR one of its affiliates (hint lucasarts hint). I strongly think it is because of the StarWars MMORPG that LEC and Sony are making.


Now dont flame LucasFilms or LucasArts. I'm sure most people over there had no idea this was going to happen. I have a feeling it was Sony.com who was pushing for it. The Combine has been growing for over a year and LucasFilms has done nothing. In other words, they respected the community and left it be.


But then a game was announced. One which Sony is part of, a game Sony will charge players to pay to just basicly.. PLAY!


This is just my opinion however. I could be wrong.

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aaawwww so Rioet Csuhen is never going to get off Kuat and build a dream tavern? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH....


haven't played with the swcombine in about a year...o well.


that is kinda retarded and all how they're shutting it down, i mean, cmon, nobody is actually PAYING for it...if it was a pay thing, then they would already have been shut down by lucasfilm *COUGH*TIECorps incident*cough* so this is definetely Sony's fault.

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Major Bummer.:(


I can't believe it though...they are really going to alienate alot of SW fans:(


A really bad move Lucas...you don't need to be THAT overprotective of SW...ST doesn't do their fans this way...at least not from what I've seen...(of course ST also had their own show*sigh*)

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yea. there are some that are crying for a boycot

but most of us aren't that stupid - either way, we are going to play SWG


The Combine isn't just a game, its a full community. It isn't like SWG at all. Shutting it down like this is just wrong. If its true we are breaking the fair use policy, what other sites are next?

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Well, i never visit the site, but it does seem a little much to shut them down when they are such big Star Wars fans and would probably all play SWG anyways.


Still, it is certainly within their legal rights and from their point of view, it is perfectly logicall to shut the site down. That doesn't mean i agree, just that i really don't think that they are doing it out of overprotection or just plain meaness like some seem to think. They are doing it from a totally economic standpoint.


Besides, when Galaxies comes out, will people really need RPGs from the combine? The site has otehr uses too, but the entire thing isn't being shut down i don't think, at least, not from what i just read.

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