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For Your Attention


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OK, you guys are right. I shouldn't leave. But I'm still not going to post as often as I have done in the past.

My decision made sense last night, but then two more alternatives cropped up and I'm going with the least ainful; I'm staying right here until it dies, which I hope is a long while away. It was Natty who persaded me to stay (the most), with her double-standards quotation; here is the quote from my own article about Frenchy leaving:

"[she] has left one of her favourite past-times to pursue something that has a million-to-one chance of success. Foolish, as I'm sure you'll agree."

Reading that, I can see how much I suck. I ignored Guybrush when he said it (sorry, dude), but leaving the forums will not improve my social life. Now I understand what he meant.

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Feral, if you leave that's like a dagger through the heart. The Feral Chicken, the "cooler" steve is not false. Its true. Its whome you really are, and with time you can be Feral in real life too. But there is no need to cut off the forums.....the forums tought you to be comfortable, fun, caring and relaxed...and you can start doing that in life now.......just balance out time with the forum and time with your life.....but dont leave......take a vacation but dont leave......it would kill me to see you go.

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*slaps Feral* OK, so I didn't see the post- you edited it before I gotta chance to, but don't you dare leave, you are who you are, and we love you just the way you are, and if people in real life can't see what a wonderful sweet, funny kinda guy you are- then are they really worth it? And remember your post about 'fame is foolish'in foolish world? OK, so maybe you don't wanna become famous, but aren't you being a lil hypocritical of that particular person who left the forums to become famous and now you are turning around and saying 'I wanna leave too' for whatever reason.


I don't know what exactly you said- but please don't leave, we love you for who you really are

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I'm glad your still going to be about Feral, but as I understood it you were going to still be about anyway, just less often than previously. To be honest I think everyone is about less these days so everyone is doing the same thing. This is probably cos everyone is balancing being here with their real life. You've got to realise Feral that you were 12 when you started coming here 2 years ago. People don't get out so much at 12, but as we get older, we get more sociable, so it's natural for you to want a life outside of the internet. I would be worried if people here didn't have a life outside of the internet. Just remember to strike a balance, and you already know what I think you need to do. But at the same time don't turn your back on friends you have made here.

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Nobody I know in real life really knows I post on these forums and only about 5 realise how much time I spend on my comp/watching TV/playing THPS 3. I go out whenever possible, but due to my job's shifts, that's once a week (if I'm lucky). Most of the time I get back from work and only have time to et, go on the internet and watch TV, enjoy school while you can kids (or make sure you get a job with regular hours)

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Originally posted by murta

Nobody I know in real life really knows I post on these forums and only about 5 realise how much time I spend on my comp/watching TV/playing THPS 3. I go out whenever possible, but due to my job's shifts, that's once a week (if I'm lucky). Most of the time I get back from work and only have time to et, go on the internet and watch TV, enjoy school while you can kids (or make sure you get a job with regular hours)


hehe, same (cough cough spam cough sneeze cough sniffle sniffle cough sneeze cough sneeze spam cough cough sniffle snee---erm, yeah....right......*ahem*)

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