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No Blood In JO


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I found this snippit today from the Fragoff.net website:


"In old pictures of storm troopers losing limbs I saw blood, in recent shots I didn't see any blood. Is the blood an option or has it been removed from the game completely?


There will be no blood in Jedi Outcast. The blood in the early screenshots was there because we were moving the GHOUL2 modeling system over from Soldier of Fortune II."


This might be old news to some of you, but what do you think about the no blood policy of LucasArts and No Blood In Jedi Outcast?

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i personally dont need blood in every game i play. jk2 will be one of them that i dont need blood to enjoy the full game. and for all you fans of blood and want blood in jk2, are you really looking for the blood in the game? i mean i myself am more concered with how the game plays and how much i enjoy it. so im not dissapointed that the blood isnt in the game

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Is blood really that important? I'd perfer it without. If I kill the enemy, seeing him fall to the ground is good enough. I'm not a big fan of bloody games. It would drive me insane if every game I played had blood. So I'm in favor of no blood. However, I did enjoy being able to slice the arms off the Storm Troopers in JK. It was an interesting addition.

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It would be stupid to have blood in this game. I quit playing Doom as I reach the later levels when the stupid blood, torso's and pentagrams became more obvious. What an asinine distraction from a great gaming engine. I gave Quake a quick demo but the same lame blood, pentagons where still there with Zombies added in bad taste. So I threw in the towel and voweled never to play a FPS game again. I then I heard about a game from Raven called Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. Basically the multi player matches take place in a holoroom, and when you are fragged, you're teleported out and back in. I hope the basic principle is carried over in JK2. Um, not the Holomatch thing as that would cause trouble with you SW die hards. :)


If you want blood, go find any of the other FPSs that support it. I like to think we are above that.

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Originally posted by [TE]DarthBob


If you want blood, go find any of the other FPSs that support it. I like to think we are above that.



I hear ya Darth. We should want to play it because it's SW and a new adventure in the Kyle stories, not because we want to see blood splashing out of someones head.

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When you slice through someone with a lightsaber, the heat from the blade cauterizes (sp?) the wound, hence why there is no blood, only smoke (I.E- the little smoke puffs when you chop off a stormtroopers arm in JK, or the fact that lukes hand was cut off blood free {convenient for lucas too}). Lasers do the same thing mostly (smoky hole where guards were shot in Star Wars during the jailbreak scene).

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A game like Medal Of Honor needs blood. That game was aiming for a more realistic approach to presenting WW2, yet they occluded blood. Medal Of Honor is loosely based on the reality of War and blood is a big part of war.


Jedi Knight never had blood, it never needed blood. It won't bother me at all in Jk2 that there is no blood. There is rarely blood in Star Wars movies so i see no reason to put it in the game.


Could people please stop associating realism with Star Wars.

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JK definitely needs no blood, and somebody said it would add to realism....


Sure, it would be as realistic as aliens, luightsabers, and so on....




And MoH is realistic enough, even with no blood.....


Screaming, explosions, dirt fontaines, all these things are more realistic to me than blood and gore...

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nahh....i went for jk for the weapons, unique gameplay, force powers and such...i wanted blood for jk1 as well, but that was way back in 97..heh...


i want jk2 mainly b/c of gameplay, but i would like blood..it just makes it better....i dont care how well it sells this is just what i would like in a game heh.....


ill probably be switching b/w it and ut2 anyway, once i get my geforce4 ti4400 (or 4200 if i cant get nuff money) heh...

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Anyone working with the Star Wars license knows that blood/violence doesn't mix with the SW universe. Sure people lose body parts and sometimes get stabbed with a saber... but everything is kept PG-13. I really don't think it'll take away from the game because a good percentage of people we fight are mechanical anyway.


Besides... when I want gore.. I'll load SOFII :)

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