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Practice Practice

Silent Wolf

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When this game is released im going to go into a hole for about a week and beat the single player and then practice with bots. When i emerge you will learn the fear of the wolf! ;) but seriously i hope you guys play the single player a bit so when u log on u dont get wiped out. I hate that, for instance in medal of honor i played till about omahaa mission to get a good feel of the game, when i got to the multiplayer there were guys in there asking me how to move. heh...it twas fun owning them, but practice up people! :D

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:ewok: Actually SilentWolf, I think people will start to brag that they were "6 year vets in JK" when they start getting creamed in JKII :).


For me personally I won't even touch multiplayer untill I've completed single player. Having people talk about how 1337 they are and all the trash talk on the zone will kind of take away the initial awe of the game, so I don't want it ruined :).





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You know, i really hate the force powers in multiplayer. Some people are just so damn good at them it gets annoying :| . I guess i just need practice but to me theres nothing like a good one on one saber fight with no force powers. or maybe just not the cheap ones like choke and lightning :|

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:ewok: I honestly don't think Force Lightening will be all that cheap in JO. In Jedi Knight it was pretty worthless unless you had a surge, and in MotS it was auto-aim. However, in JO it seems to be more powerful then the JK force lightening, but also not as easy to use as the MotS force lightening, so I think it's a good balance.


But I do have some concerns about force choke...



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How about Force Choke makes the user of the choke also imoble while using it? That way you can't choke some one from far away, then run up and hit him with the saber....


Or else jsut make it so that as soon as you start to move you release the person from your grip.


Also, I think the damage should be toned down alittle bit.

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Is the Zone even going to be the primary option for multiplayer?


I thought I read something about JO having an in-game multiplayer server select screen. Something similiar to Half-Life for example.


'Cause, quite frankly, the Zone has been pissing me off lately. :swear:

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Originally posted by Silent_Thunder

:ewok: I honestly don't think Force Lightening will be all that cheap in JO. In Jedi Knight it was pretty worthless unless you had a surge, and in MotS it was auto-aim. However, in JO it seems to be more powerful then the JK force lightening, but also not as easy to use as the MotS force lightening, so I think it's a good balance.



I think in JO force lightning looks incredible........it also functions quite well..........


Force Lightning

Allows the player to hurl a devastating electrical attack against foes. When a foe is targeted by this power, it locks on and continues to drain the enemy and consume the attacker's Force Pool. This continues until the enemy perishes, goes out of range, or the player's Force Pool is depleted.

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In the teaser trailer: Kyle zaps an attacker with Force lightning, and his attacker does a leap (folding his legs underneath him) to avoid getting hit again. :D


From what we know about the Force in JO, it'll be alot faster-paced than JK---mana is used up faster but recharges faster as well, making things go alot faster. :)


As for choke, I'm sure Raven will create a good counter. :)

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