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What civilization will you be most in mutiplayer gb?

Guest Kioet Csuhen

What civilization will you be most in mutiplayer gb?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What civilization will you be most in mutiplayer gb?

    • Gungans
    • Galactic Empire
    • Trade Federation
    • Naboo
    • Rebel Alliance
    • Wookiee

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

What civilization will you be most in the mutiplayer part of galactic battlegrounds?


I'm definetely going to be Trade Federation.

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Guest Boba Rhett



I really don't have any idea what I'll play as the most. :( I suppose I'll decide once I mess around with all the civs.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen
Originally posted by krkode


what makes u wanna be them


and what is the equivalent of at-at in other civs??


Why should I be worried of at-ats? I'll just rush and take out the factory b4 they have a chance to make them. :)


The reasons i wanna be them:


Droids, they are so awesome. TPM is my fav sw movie, mostly cause of the battle droids and aats, and droid starfighters. They'll also have STAPs and Heavy STAPs, and Droid Bombers (if u played bfn, you'll know what i mean), those cool droid transports, destroyer droids, and a few others i don't know about yet. hehe. Ah, and hopefully they'll have civ specific music in the background, so i'll be listening to the invasion theme, etc. oh, and Trade Federation gets the sith. And i think they do something with trading...

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... on the minus side of that: Their Air Units suck, Their Sith suck, and their troops are nothing special. Guess its a resonable trade off.


I like the Naboo because I'm an Air Unit person, plus Their jedi and unique unit make up for the suckness of Mechs.

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rebels probbly have the best air units though i think naboo too.


hey kioet are STAP's those little flying motorcycle like things which we see in rtoj

they r awesome and so are droids but i like at-ats too much and i like the rebels too much just from movie experience

and the wookies sound awesome

so thats my top 3 priority civ's

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

here's what a stap looks like: swig150.jpg


An AAT (Armored Assault Tank): movie_bg.jpg


Droid Starfighter: movie_bg.jpg


MTT (Multi Troop Transport): movie_bg.jpg


Trade Federation Landing Craft: landingship-ig01.jpg


Destroyer Droid: DD-017.jpg


Battle Droid (Commander has yellow markings and security has red markings): http://www.theforce.net/multimedia/episodeiPics/Characters/Battle_Droids/starwars62.jpg

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Guest dr_death

i will be mainly the rebels (because i will have a jedi council)

or the empire (because i will have vader as master and maul as apprentice and the emperor at the top! and i will have a small army of hero bounty hunters lead by boba fett!)

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