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Episode VII, VIII, and IX: a posability?


Episodes VII, VIII, and IX  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Episodes VII, VIII, and IX

    • Oh yeah! New trilogy comin right up!
    • Not to sure
    • Don't think so

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Well they could put it inbetween books, like in that 5 year period after Truce at Bakura where nothing is really noted...


Thing is Lucas still wouldn't have his desired freedom. He needs some running room and if he can't have it he won't take it. But if he does take it on...count on many characters like Thrawn and Mara Jade to make cameo appearances and also count on LF to kill some very popular characters in EU... (such as Boba Fett who appears in NUMEROUS EU stories. If he was taken out and left for dead the Boba Fett legacy would be as good as dead too)

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Guest Lord Maul

I know this is a little off the subject... With computer animation what it is nowadays I'd love to see SotE made into a movie. What am I saying... I'd love to see all of the novels made into movies. Lucas' great, great, great, great, great, great grandkids would still have move money than Bill Gates if they did that.

I would like to see Ep.7-9 but it is very doubtful. But then again alot of people never really expected Ep.1-3 to come out. Lucas also said once that he wouldn't release any of the SW films on DVD. So he has been known to change his mind. But we will be seeing Indy 4 before any unplanned SW episodes.

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Originally posted by Lord Maul

I know this is a little off the subject... With computer animation what it is nowadays I'd love to see SotE made into a movie. What am I saying... I'd love to see all of the novels made into movies. Lucas' great, great, great, great, great, great grandkids would still have move money than Bill Gates if they did that.

I would like to see Ep.7-9 but it is very doubtful. But then again alot of people never really expected Ep.1-3 to come out. Lucas also said once that he wouldn't release any of the SW films on DVD. So he has been known to change his mind. But we will be seeing Indy 4 before any unplanned SW episodes.


Once again I must say...that if Lucas doesn't have TOTAL freedom of plot/script/character design/etc. then he won't do it. If he does do the books expect him to TOTALLY remake the book with very few exeptions.


(smilies :D)


(/smilies :D)

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I'd have to agree with almost ALL of you. Episodes, 7...8...9, to ME, are just as exciting and in depth as the Original series. My 1st introduction to Grand Admiral Thrawn and his intellect absolutely blew my mind. Timothy Zauhn (sp?), took Darth Vader's brutality & transformed it into a superior intellect which I wouldn't have thought possible.

The whole age thing is just silly, as Hollywood could make anyone look 50yrs older, 50yrs younger, or as we've seen change their gender (quality dependent upon applicant). But in my personal opinion, there can NEVER BE another face for Luke, Han, Leia, or Lando. To do so would be not only inconsiderate but debauchery to everything we grew up with in Star Wars. Please George, don't let Batman's many faces dillude you- that aspect of the Batman movies sucked. Plus-Harrison Ford is the only one to escape being branded as their respective SW character...throw your loyalists a bone here, they gave you their careers. If not for Lucas' own intervention w/Indiana Jones, who knows, Ford might have also suffered just such a fate. I LOVE ALL the original actors and the PROFOUND job they did creating this wonderful universe for me as a child.

Last but not least, George Lucas, is supposed to be a Director! Of course his abilities in this area allowed him to expand to the realms of 'Absolute Authoritarian' in all his projects now. But why forget his roots?? If he's unable to show cinematically why 7,8,and 9 are just as awesome as the originals just because he didn't create every nuance of the story, then PLEASE, please don't make them. The books are GOLD. No one else with his creating/directing abilities would have trouble portraying this fact, so if his own creative ego disrupts HIS ability to do so, then leave us with the books as they are. Personally I think it's all ridiculous, and if George tried to create exactly the imagery provided in the books, he's capable of abolishing the old saying, 'the movie's never as good as the book'. It's all in whether or not he cares to accomplish that feat. If he actually read the books in question, I don't see why he would ever think any other way. I don't know if or what he's read in the EU. You'd think he knows what he approved, but he's a very busy man, I'm sure.

**Personally, I'd love to see a movie released every 3-5 months, tri-monthly installments to the endless adventures and plots in our beloved Universe that is Star Wars. The $$ they'd make could pave the world over in gold, how anyone could feel 'artistically restricted' in this process utterly baffels me.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this guys, I know it's kinda long.

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I agree thet Grand Admiral Thrawn is a fantastic character, and I would love to see a Star Wars installment with him in it, but I don't see it happening, at least not in a motion picture. A T.V. show would be a different story though. I also think that a movie about the Sith Wars could be very good, now that knowledge of the Sith is not limited to hardcore SW fans.

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dittot to everything fergie said. Makeup would make it possible, but Lucas said he wants to do more Indy, and by the time he was done he would be just to old to do more star wars. It would also throw all the books out of line. I think that it should just be dropped after 3. But I do hope our authors continue authoring more good novels.

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