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Should I give this poem to the girl I like for Valentine's?


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Once there was a girl most beautiful,

With hair that shone like the sun.

Her eyes glittered and sparkled,

With happiness, joy, and fun.


Her hair fell about her shoulders,

Beautiful, soft, and long.

Her neck was slender and graceful,

Her chin firm and strong.


Her body was perfect in every way,

So elegant and fine.

Her heart pure and true,

Her path a perfect line.


I know that she's in love,

I would never get in her way.

But if I ever got the chance,

I'd forever come to stay.


I'd love her dearly,

Hold her tight.

And take her out,

For a fun-filled night.


If she said no,

I would obey.

I'd give myself,

To keep her safe.


It may not happen,

And still it may.

I just wanted her to know,

That I feel this way. . .


She has a bf, but I figured I'd just leave my AIM sn, if she want's to know who it is, then I could tell her. Whadaya think?

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I'd say no, unless you two have been dating for awhile (not too long just dating before). If you start a relationship with a poem or whatever, depending on the girl, she might expect you to write a poem for her quite often or expect a lot out of you. However if this is an existing relationship, you're girlfriend would not what kind of person you are and know you only did this to make her feel special on a special occasion and so on and son on.


Anyway this post is all based on observation and theory not through experience.

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Well...sounds like a touchy situation. If she's got a boyfriend, then I'd not recommend doing anything.


Another thing, are you interested in her as a person, or just in her body. From what I gather from the first stanzas, that's what you talk about.


Basically what I'm saying is...re-examine your feelings for her. If they are still the same, then you've got to make a choice whether or not to go through with your plan. I leave that decision up to you.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Well...sounds like a touchy situation. If she's got a boyfriend, then I'd not recommend doing anything.


Another thing, are you interested in her as a person, or just in her body. From what I gather from the first stanzas, that's what you talk about.


Basically what I'm saying is...re-examine your feelings for her. If they are still the same, then you've got to make a choice whether or not to go through with your plan. I leave that decision up to you.





what if shes the proud kind of person who want to go out to dinner every night and wants you to buy her expensive stuff.........gotta look at other things

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Guys, I'm not just interested in her body! I talked to her every single day last semester for an entire hour. . . while I was supposed to be paying attention in Health class. Hehe. :D I know her. She's a great person, and I like her not just for her looks but for her personality too. Also, you can't write an entire poem about someone's "beuatiful personality!" :p They'd think you didn't think they were hot! Anyway, because she has a bf, I'm just leaving it in her locker with my AIM sn. That way we can just talk a while, and maybe I could ask her out when she breaks up with her bf. I just think this would be a great opportunity to get to know her better (her personality, not her looks). Well, now whadaya think?

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