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Hey this ids important why was i banned from the RPG forum?(mods please do not delet)

Delphi's Clone

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why because a Mod sayed i make fun of what happened on september 11 that was a big insult to me i lost a best freind on that day in that tragety!!!!!!! SO I FOUGHT BACK and what happened i get banned way to go man i love the way you guys handeled this.


oh ya and moderaters i ask you not to delete this thread it is very importent i want to get some answers from multipal people that every one can see.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Well... DC your just digging yourself a bigger whole... you could have ended it in the beginning by saying you are not the real Delphi... I still have respect for you but some of that was lost... then on top of it all you post these "pointless" threads... You are a cool guy just don't ruin that image....

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Guest dr_death

dc, if i was you i would be pissed, and i would get vengence, in this forum you have to be all niceee nice, you carnt insult people (say what you think) i think i am going over the top but it annoys me when people tell me what to say for childish reasons,

i am quite an angry guy in heart.

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Delphi i will tell you why you were banned...


It was not because you were fighting with any one...


It was because you started swearing, and worst you were typing it in a way to get around the auto "*"ing funtion.


Oh and luke this is not a LG site.

Who ever edited my post and asked what what lg means... lg=lucasgames.com

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Guest Boba Rhett

If a fellow mod made a decision to do that, I trust it was the correct decision. Perhaps if you emailed the person who blocked you from it and promised not to do it again he perhaps would let you back in.

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Guest dr_death

and what is wrong with swearing??

they are only words like 'hate' or 'love'. why does anyone find them offensive.

i wont mind if anyone gives me a sincear brutal answer, dont worry about offending me

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Guest dr_death

well, what ever floats your boat.

and you spell smell like that.


when s gb coming out for the uk, dam it i carnt wait much longer,

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Here is why you were banned:


1. You posted in the RPG Gameplay TWICE. This is in direct violation of the terms of membership.


2. You swore. Although they were words such as @$$hole and f_nck, we know what you meant. If the words are censored on MTV, they're against the TOM on the RPG forum.


3. You posted defamatory, and flaming remarks on your user profile. This TOO is in direct violation of the Terms Of Membership.


Does that satisfy your question, Delphi?

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

Here is why you were banned:


1. You posted in the RPG Gameplay TWICE. This is in direct violation of the terms of membership.


2. You swore. Although they were words such as @$$hole and f_nck, we know what you meant. If the words are censored on MTV, they're against the TOM on the RPG forum.


3. You posted defamatory, and flaming remarks on your user profile. This TOO is in direct violation of the Terms Of Membership.


Does that satisfy your question, Delphi?


:eek: It's worse than I thought!



PS> Eets, why do you never host GB any more?

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Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

thank you luke but this thread is importent isnt it?


i have sent all my freinds and Etschula a pm about this but they have not replyed :( the PM system isnt working out for me :(


if u count me as a friend i could have replied

i always reply to pm's about questions and what excactly did u post about 9 11

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

I've been sorta busy.. We may be moving next week.


So that is why we have had no Daily matches...:)

It all makes since now...BTw, I don't like swearing so if you do swear on this forum while I'm on expect to see

edited by darthfergie

at the bottom of your post...

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well the 1 reason i promised nit to do it uagain i really did not know i promise and i said i would not do it again. I thought i cleared that with you ETS

and number 2 well i cannot denei that i really cant and i thought it would be better to use stuff like § and Missspelling since i didnt know if yor forum had a flame protection.... and i promise not to do it again but hey guys if i'm every allowed on your bords again please dont say stuff like I really hate it when people laugh aboyt the september 11 to me ok please i lost my best freind on that day and i'm kinda touchy on that. so i'm sorry and i promise i will not flame again even if it were something like this what happened.

3. You posted defamatory, and flaming remarks on your user profile. This TOO is in direct violation of the Terms Of Membership.


i have no clue what that means :confused: i really dont please explain



soo all in all i give you my appolagies and promise iwont do it again so i would like it if you could unbann me thank you and who should i e-mail about this??? can you give me his e-mail adress thank you



and wraith this is for you what you said to me was horrable for me and it was the worst thing anyone ever said to me so that is why i did what i did and please understand thisa and please dont ever do it again

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3. You posted defamatory, and flaming remarks on your user profile. This TOO is in direct violation of the Terms Of Membership.


i have no clue what that means :confused: i really dont please explain


When you joined his forums you made an agreement...and in that agreement/ Terms of Membership it probably named this...


This is just a guess but most likely this is what he was refering to...

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