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New info. on JK2: JO!


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No, I don't think it'll be like "bullet time." In my question I asked if it would make others around you slow down and you move at normal speed, so you actually would be moving faster than the opponent. "Bullet Time" made everything slow down including you, didn't it? Tell me if I'm wrong, but that's how I took the info.

That's how I understood it, too, but 'Bullet Time' did briefly cross my mind - the wall-walk probably influenced that, though :D

What I'm wondering is why they don't just release the E3 demo but with the new features. It's been said it won't be included in the game and I'd think that'd be easiest on them. What do you guys think?

That would be excellent, but I don't want them wasting time implementing the new features into the E3 level - if it works on it's own and represents the gameplay fairly well, then I say go for it!

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I second that motion... I say that playing a demo would take away from the final product. As I've said, I MIGHT play a demo if it didn't include use of the lightsaber. I want that thrill preserved so I can experience it at the same time I get the thrill of playing the game for the first time.

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I dont think implementing the E3 level into the current build of the engine would take that long would it?



Then again, im not a programmer :)




Brick, sorry man but i do think any demo of this game should include use of the lightsaber. See, a demo wouldnt be there for us fanboys to finally be able to play it, but to try and make people buy the game who ARENT as fanboy as we are yet. And the lightsaber is maybe THE most important part of the game so it HAS to be in the demo as it's improved usage (at least, the creators say it's much better, we cant tell without demo) is one of the main selling points of the game...



I guess you could probably just switch to another weapon if you REALLY wanted to :)

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A demo will defintely be released. But i would prefer it be released after the game, so they can release the full game earlier!


All you people who are skeptical about this game and want to try a demo first, can wait for the demo till after the game is released.


I'm buying the full version no matter what, I personally don't need a demo to convince me to buy it. I've loved all the games in the series Dark Forces/Jedi Knight/MOTS, and JKO looks like it's gonna be just as good, if not it will be BETTER!!

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hell yeah, i will buy it without reading any review if i must (however if theres a review before release ill read it to get new info :))



As for demo, well, i wouldnt mind one cause i wanna choke and slash some stormies!



But if that would mean getting the full game a week later, uhm, no thanks!

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That answer to the demo disapoints me a little, surly releasing a public beta test to get the vewis of the people who are going to buy it will only serve to increase tho's profits Lucas Arts and Raven want so much. They could improve the game to what people want (within reason :D). Like the RTCW public beta test, and the Redfaction one, each developer improved the game to what the people wanted. - people picked up on things even the developers didn't know about, think about it, they have been developing this game for over a year and are used to it, it takes fresh blood to stop the mistakes. :)

c'mon.......this game is gonna be huge, releaseing a demo/public beta can only improve the games profit :D. I'd rather wait fotr the game and get a beta so we can all improve the game and get something that rocks even more then it does already :D

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After dealing with Raven Software over the years they'er games are either hit or miss (or hit and miss ;) ). So I would prefer a demo before plunking down anything on this game. It might rock or it might not,.. I don't want to find out $60+ dollars later.



Oh and I think LA could put a demo together while Raven works on the game. It's not like they'er making anything worthwhile anyway, might as well put them to good use somehow ;).

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I am completely thrilled about the implementation of Force Speed - I had asked that very question a couple of months ago ... and the answer makes sense - can't do the 'ObiWan effect' (not going to call it bullet-time, as this seems a point of confusion) in MP, but would be nice in SP. So it will be in SP - that is perfect, giving you an advantage that doesn't require extra skill or dexterity to use ... done as in the JK books.


As for the demo ... the posts about a beta are not going to happen - that has been made very clear. As for the demo - let's face it, people wouldn't be here without a strong inclination to play and buy the game. The demo is for those without that inclination. From a marketing standpoint, you want a game to sell hot but not be unpurchasable because it is out of stock everywhere. There (seems to be) considerable interest in this game, enough that it will be a hot seller with a good size 'initial grab'. Getting a demo out to increase that initial grab doesn't seem to make as much sense as getting one out to lengthen the 'buying frenzy' time period ... perhaps start to feed off of the AotC pre-frenzy ... after the movie people will again be looking for same saber action.


I like the idea of using a non-implemented level as a demo - where was that done before? As for a non-saber demo, that is about as likely as them deciding to allow you to choose your own saber color (or appearance model) in SP (picture Luke addressing Kyle about his blue saber while watching Duke Nukem with a yellow saber ;) ) ... not going to happen - the game is an extension of JK, a saber based Jedi game, not of DF, the Star Wars FPS about a former imperial academy officer turned rebel agent. People want saber, saber and more saber.



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Dumb as a Brick as I may be, even I don't seriously expect that they'd release a demo without the lightsaber. None the less, I wouldn't download the demo even if it WAS released before the game. The temptation is there, of course, but personally, the first time I use a lightsaber in JKII will be when you pick it up around the third level. I've got lots of experience stringing myself along when it comes to anticipating games, and in this case a demo would almost ruin the initial game experience for me. I've played everything with the Q3 engine so far, including stuff in third person, so I know I like that. I love the saber in JK, so I know I'll love it in JKII. Not many questions left. All a demo would do for me personally would be to leave the game as less thrilling the first time I played it.


I completely agree about the reasons for a demo, of course. Selling to those poor souls with doubt is important. I just think there's another way...


:ben: *waves hand casually* "You will all buy the game..."


*the doubters reply* :bored: "We will all buy the game..."

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Oh and I think LA could put a demo together while Raven works on the game. It's not like they'er making anything worthwhile anyway, might as well put them to good use somehow ;).

Actually, it looks like LEC is overseeing sound developing in JK2, because both Julian Kwasneski(sound design/editing) and Clint Bajakian(music editing/additional composing) have worked many years at LEC; also, lets not forget LEC producer Brett Tosti, who works and consults with Raven on the game design, characters, scheduling & budgets, marketing issues, etc. What comes to demo, I also want full game ASAP, but it really depends on LEC like Chang Khan said.

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Originally posted by txa1265

... not going to happen - the game is an extension of JK, a saber based Jedi game, not of DF, the Star Wars FPS about a former imperial academy officer turned rebel agent. People want saber, saber and more saber.


I'm not familiar with your name, and I have no knowledge of your history as a JK player. But I can honestly say that you have no idea what you are talking about.


Let's look at the most active part of the JK community: the competitive players/clans. If you look at these clans, typically each clan had a number of divisions. They included sabers nf, sabers FF, guns nf, guns ff, and ctf nf. Now given, what I know about the competitive community, saberists (nf and FF) represent about 10-20% of the competitive players. Guns nf represent the majority (about 50%), and guns FF at about 20-25%, ctf nf represent the rest. Of course, you have players that cross between guns nf/ff and ctf nf. However, saberists typically stuck to sabers. According to your words, JK was a sabers-based game. About 3/4 of the competitive community did not see it this way. I hardly doubt that the majority will be playing sabers only in JK2.


The problem is that the saber is a novelty weapon. In a FF guns battle, the saber was so worthless that if you brought it out, it was considered a "peace" symbol. I highly doubt that the gunner segments of gamers will embrace it.


Personally, I could care less about a demo. I'll buy the game, either way. A demo will help popularity, no doubt.



On another topic: Does anyone know if the game will include a "Recording" feature? Will we be able to record our games and watch them at a later time? This has been done in T1 and T2, and has helped the popularity of those games IMMENSELY.

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Will fists be an option for a weapon? For example, if you are stripped of all weapons will you be able to fight without the force?

Nope, they decided to go with the stun baton.


Im glad about this. The animation with the fists always looked stupid. Many of the great games today e.g. Elite Force and Max Payne, dont have fists and this is a good thing. With JK many people liked to make mods where all weapons were stripped and you had to start with just your fists......This will not be a problem as all they'll have to do is make the lightsaber reacgable with force pull.


Will the concussion rifle or rail detonator be returning?

Not exactly, though there are a couple weapons that are *somewhat* similar.


Im not bothered about this. These weapons were not my favourite and never looked like Star Wars weapons. Im sure many people wont like this, but with the ammount of weapons we've seen so far im sure it will be no problem.


How will Force Speed be approached? Will it be like Jedi Knight 1 or be when you are moving normally but everything around is moving slower. That would be coolest in my opinion.

The latter in SP, the former in MP.


This I am really pleased about. It will be so much fun having everything slow down, but yourself being able to remain at normal speed. This will be good fun, and was something that everyone was looking forward to in max payne. For mp it will also be good. A bullet time system would be pointless as if two people engaged it then they would cancel each other out and normal time would reappear. At least this way we have both the obi-wan and JK feauture.....BUT....which of the two modes of force speed will appear in pure bot matches??


THE MOST WANTED ANSWER: Will there be a demo, man? Everyone's hyped about the game and just the smallest of demos would be of much appreciation. If so, do you have a date set, soon?

Totally up to LucasArts. Personally, I hope not because it takes a lot of work to get a demo together when, at this point, it would be a lot easier to just finish the game and get it out the door...


Im glad their not bothering too much with a demo. Id rather they get the final version done. Eventually there will be a demo as this is a key marketing strategy plan, but maybe they'll bring it out after the game...


I enjoyed reading these, even if we had an idea of them already.....happy reading people :D

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE


A bullet time system would be pointless as if two people engaged it then they would cancel each other out and normal time would reappear.




bullet time is impossible in multiplayer...think about it...if one person slows down time, how would gameplay for everyone else continue at regular time?


if a person engaged bullet time, everyone would be slowed down, and the game would be at slow down speed almost all the time....it would suck....

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I dont think you should even think of that level as being the official game demo

the E3 demo was probably only a few rooms they put together, to show off what they were doing, to show it

not to be played by anyone except the LEC representative

It doesnt make sense releasing that for the public (which is also really old, and probably doesnt take advantage of the new scripting system and other stuff)

If they release a demo (which I think they will, because LEC will want it) It will be a level of the game if its released before the game, and It could eventually be a level not related to the story, If they release it after the game, with time to work on it, without the pressure of the march date to finish the game

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Originally posted by JaG|Kaiser


I'm not familiar with your name, and I have no knowledge of your history as a JK player. But I can honestly say that you have no idea what you are talking about.


Let's look at the most active part of the JK community: the competitive players/clans. <snip>


The problem is that the saber is a novelty weapon. In a FF guns battle, the saber was so worthless that if you brought it out, it was considered a "peace" symbol. I highly doubt that the gunner segments of gamers will embrace it.


The reason you don't know my name is that my history as a JK player is between me adn my computer ;)


Seriously, I see your point, but what I was saying was that the saber is going to be the fascination with the game *in the non-established fan market* - which is probably ~75% of who will end up buying this game. I also have no idea of the ratio of SP to MP for JK / MotS ... but again I'd assume that it was weighted heavily to SP. Personally, I hated having to step back from my saber after I got it in JK ... but the game is done in such a way that it is impossible otherwise ... not to mention that unless (as someone mentioned elsewhere) you could cut the legs off of a AT-ST, you *will* need non-saber weapons ...



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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe



bullet time is impossible in multiplayer...think about it...if one person slows down time, how would gameplay for everyone else continue at regular time?


if a person engaged bullet time, everyone would be slowed down, and the game would be at slow down speed almost all the time....it would suck....


Well everyone else would see him move super quick. Thats not the difficult part, the difficult part is when a few people use it. It would create too much lag, but in time it will be possible :D

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