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Your WORST time on a plane

Dagobahn Eagle

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Mine, when I crossed the Atlantic.


I had all the details, but I'll spare you :).

All in all, more than 20 hours travelling.


I've taken this trip, let me see, three times already. And this christmas I'm gonna take the same trip again an additional two times. That makes for about 40 hours on a plane. Plus flying from one city (grandparents, cousins, aunts&uncles) to another city (hometown, new year's eve). So much for a a "vacation" :p. Okay, I've been flying since I was three (30 min. trips between the two above cities), but this... man, I need more planes like a hole in the head :). Funny how I've taken to be less fascinated by fighter planes and more to submarines :confused:..



What's the worst air plane ride you ever took? Hijacking, annoying 5-years old screaming all the way (:barf: )? Turbulence so you threw up (never happened to me, though :))? Intercept by foreign fighter planes? Run down by US Spy plane :D?

!Dime! (Tell me!)

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well ive travelled between india and the us almost 5 times and i really havent had too many bad moments but i havent been on a plane after 9 11\

mine was when i found out that the plane i was travelling in had no video screens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no video screens

that means almost 10 hrs of bored torture

i slept most of the time and it wasnt fun:bored:

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Guest WC_heavyarms

The scariest thing.. I will be flying in one month and a half... I think I am decently strong, enough to distract someone and pose a threat, so I have no fears. Also, played enough Rainbow six :D



Dime is a spanish command meaning tell me.

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I've learnt my first Italian word :D.


Me, I never sleep on planes. I just can't, it's too damn uncomfortable. I might have done it when I was little, though, can't remeber.


With my luck, the plane's gonna crash.. I'll dial the Norwegian navy and have them send a Skjold class gunboat to pick me up (hey, I'm a citizen, the least thing they can do is to provide public transport :angel: ). Besides, I'll join the navy in two years, so I'll just consider it military service and get a navy uniform or something, just for showing off.


Planes aren't really that scary, but did you hear about the Scandinavian plane that collided with a German plane on the runway and crashed into the Airport building (creepy how the number of killed people were the same as in that Russian submarine tragedy.. 118.. what's with that number.. :eek:. I mean, what are the odds that'll happen)?


Or the British one that exploded in mid-air? Concorde.. Imagine sitting in a plane taking off and realising that the engine is burning. Then it blows up and down you go..


Oh, and 9/11.


Aah, I'm scaring myself. Better stop :p. oh, and sorry Heavyarms.


Can someone post a "100 things to do on a plane to keep you busy when you've read all the books you brought and seen all the movies three times" thread?

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I've never had any major problems on a plane except for bad weather. I also have a problem with falling asleep on planes, not beacause i can't, but because i might end up drooling all over myself (no joke, i drool like mad in my sleep. it's the most annoying thing).

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Three words five year old. I hated this kid... he wouldn't shut up and he kept demanding everything and the mother would give in everytime. I was so pissed.

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