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Thirst For Power - Mission 1


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There is an odd, unnatural red glow to Ma'gee's eyes.


He turns around swiftly with a snarl on his face and slams Joolar and Salculd into two separate trees, knocking them both unconcious.


"We camp here for the night." Ma'gee throws one medpack to Hao Jun and another medpack to Brash. "Apply those to them. We move at daybreak."

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After applying the medpacks, Joolar and Salculd are still unconscious, but are stable now.



GM Speak:


Ok people. I've had just about enough of this. What I say GOES. If anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with Ma'gee's lightsabers. Now. We are going to camp here until tomorrow. Joolar and Salculd won't wake up until then.

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GMS talk: does ma'gees lightsaber have to be held by ma;gee when we "take it on" ;) and besides i didnt oppose your word im still sleeping



Joolar lays unconsious but stable once again as his head goes through a series of calculations as he remember all the trigonometry he learnt and how he loves it and then he flashes into a dream where hes in front of the whole population of his father's kingdom as Salculd is about to be executed....the axe comes down and a small round piece goes falling into the dungeons and there lies the body of salculd with no head.....ouch he thinks...........

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then suddenly in joolar's dream when he walks up to the severed head he doesnt see salculd but he sees moroni.....ahhhhhhhhh he screams and he sees salculd's head rolling like a destroyer droid away from his shouting "you cant get me"

Joolar says "oh yes i can, GUARDS!!"


then a guard comes out with a baseball bat and hands it to Joolar, he runs after the head and blasts it with the bat and the head goes flying miles........home run.......as the head falls all the way across and out of the planet into another planet Joolar is happily smiling

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*I come out of my trance when hearing what Joolar says*"Ah tis a sad sad day when a sith won't accept a challenge."*Smiles evilly at Joolar and keep my eye on Joolar to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while I keep searching for the Amu *cough* holcron*"Hmmm that thing must be here somewhere..."

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"Ah tis a sad sad day when a sith won't accept a challenge"


my friend, sith's arent brave, those are the stupid jedi, the sith are sneaky, and that is what makes them The Sith


As Salculd starts running towards him like a mad fool yelling frantically.....Joolar steps aside and flings a stone at Salculd's legs

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did you guys ignore the stone i threw at his legs....he didnt even say he jumped to dodge it.


ok a sith's gotta do whata sith's gotta do


krkode steps aside and ignites his magnificent lightsaber.....the dim temple glows with the radiance of it, and as salculd has just finished his chest swipe and it probably bending down as an after affect of the violent swipe, krkode attempts to ram his saber into salculds back, while preparing to jump up if salculd tried to swipe at his legs

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your current body position does not allow you to make that move.


just imagine, you just swiped at me and so your obviously a little bent in your back and i move aside and swipe at your back.


so its basically like |---__ the underscore is your body bent after your violent swipe and the dash is my saber and the line is me


now let eets make the next reply, and you cant swing at my head from there. You can swing at my legs which i am prepared for

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