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Am I the only one...


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Am I the only one who thinks the new Bryar Pistol model, to be blunt, sucks? Sure, the barrel looks great, but they TOTALLY skimped out on the handle!


In my opinion, they would have been much better off designing it after the Dark Horse Comics Dark Forces novel series. They had a GREAT picture of the Bryar on the back cover of Soldier for the Empire:




Even the Bryar in JK1 had a better handle than the JK2 version:




Instead, we get THIS:




Am I the only one a bit dissapointed?

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The Bryar was originally a rifle anyway, and has been modified extensively, so it's normal to assume that Kyle has made his own modifications over the years to the weapon, and the weapon has never been pretty to begin with, although I admit I do like the Dark Horse pic of it.

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lol tomcat :D yes and what a fight it WILL BE!!!!!!!!!! I rather like how they did that. Quite ingenious if you ask me. When you finnaly acquire your lightsaber youll be very familiar with the feel of the game and you also feel rewarded. Itll put a big ol grin on everyones faces when they hear it start up for the first time, oh how sweet it is. Thinking of this makes the wait till march 25th - 28th all the more worth it :D.

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I think they all look pretty much alike. The handle is straight down compared to coming out more. But your hand will be on it, and so we can't really see it. I don't think kyle is going to stop the game and say "Hey wait a sec!! You *astards!!! You changed my gun!!!!"


It looks pretty good to me, though I guess I am a saber guy too and I never really used that gun except when the stormtrooper rifle couldn't aim right. But I see a change and Raven seems to have changed alot things, but i think most are for the better.


I hope Raven doesn't have it when after you kill someone, their gun floats above the ground and goes around in a circle, but is just laying on the ground. I dont' know, it just seemed weird to me.

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Originally posted by Bar_Tender

Am I the only one who thinks the new Bryar Pistol model, to be blunt, sucks? Sure, the barrel looks great, but they TOTALLY skimped out on the handle!


In my opinion, they would have been much better off designing it after the Dark Horse Comics Dark Forces novel series. They had a GREAT picture of the Bryar on the back cover of Soldier for the Empire:







Am I the only one a bit dissapointed?

No. The Bryar model for JK was considerably better than the one for JKII - I hope they've improved it since then, because I quite liked the Bryar in JK, and was planning to use it a fair bit in JKII... It won't make-or-break the game for me, though :)

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Welcome to the forums, Bar_Tender, Jinn Tar-Nesh, Silent Wolf and Magnum2. Hope you enjoy your stay. Here...


*hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. There you go. ;)


As for the Bryar...I have to agree that model looks a little odd compared to the other pics. Of course, trying to get it to look nice and curvy like that Dark Horse pic would take a mass of polys - and it just looks more like a handgun rather than a modified rifle.


Anyway, I don't think it will bother me too much when I'm fragging the bad guys. :)

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1/2 of the people are saber only, the other 49.5% will only use the pistol for 5 seconds until you score the first kill and get a ST rifle, so who cares what it look like. It's just suppose to be a pistol for personal protection, even if it has been modified a billion times to make it more powerful, it's not suppose to be this super weapon, just another weapon, one that's going to get about as much use as the stun baton. It could look like a rolling pin for all I care. I rather have Raven screw up the pistol completely than to mess up on the repeater rifle because they spent too much time modelling the pistol just right. Just my opinion.

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Well if raven doesn't replace/fix it, someone will fire up 3dmax and remake it anyway.


Raven must be doing two weapons for first and third. Which is odd since Q3 can support high poly weapons in either perspective. Only the older FPS needed low poly external models. Q3 uses the same model for first and third to save on load time (and it looks better). True there are no hands or arms attached to the weapons, but either way you should be able to use the same model in either perspective. I've noticed this in other companies that use the Q3 license. Raven also did this with EF I think. When will they learn?


......And that was ranting with Graphicsgod :D.

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