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The Movie Reviewal thread


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Haven't seen one of these, have you? The scoop on this thread: you see a movie no one has seen, and have seen it recently, you may post a review of the movie in here. NO OTHER COMMENTS! Only one movie will not be allowed to be talked about: Lord Of the Rings.


Now then, I give the first movie: John Q:


The movie is about a very poor man. He is so poor, one of his cars is repossessed, he doesn't own his house, and he is trying to get enough money to live. He is at a baseball game on day, where is son falls while rounding a base. He runs him to the hospital, and they find out his heart is 3x its normal size. He needs as new one, or he will die in days, months, weeks. He tries to get the money from everywhere- wealthfare, banks, church. You name it, he sold it for money. Even their only car. One day he finds out that his son is going to be discharged. His wife tells him to do something, and well, he takes it hostage, with him and about 10 people, including the doctor that is the head of cardiology. That is as far as I go. Want to see what happens, see the movie!


I found the movie so close to real, that it was. It was shocking at what they did to this man. If a man runs out of options, he makes one, no matter how crazy he truly is. I give it: 4.5 out of 5

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Don't know, don't care, the only kid's movie I'm going to see is Monsters, Inc.


The Rock


Stars: Ed Harris, Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage.


Genre: Action


Cert: 15+; Coantains mild sex, bad lanquge and voilence.


Plot: A US Marines general (Harris) is unhappy about the way the goverment is using then betraying it's soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq. So he and his men steal some chemical weapons and tell Washington they got 48hrs to deliver conpensation to the families of the dead soldiers, or he detonates the weapons on the San Fransisco bay area from Alcatraz island. A chemical weapons expert (Cage) is called away from his wedding preparations to go on a mission with the Navy SEALS. A federal convict named James Mason (Sean Connery) is made to help them get around Alcatraz, as he is the only man to have escaped from there. He tries to escape before he is made to go with the SEALS, but is captured. And then they go to Alcatraz and there is an interesting twist in the story which u have to find out for yourself.

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Just saw Colateral Damage last week...


What can I say but that Arnie kicks some major azz. You want action? You like the Oak? You want the good guy to win? You like heavy artilery?


Go see the movie..


11 out of 10. :D


You have to understand though I am an Arnie freak, I own close to 15 of his movies. He is the man. Bar none!

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I have to say there a some major kick-ass movies coming out this year...Blade 2, AotC, Jason X (looks kinda scary), Men In Black 2, Austin Power 3, Gangs of New York, the next Harry Potter, the next James bond, the next Star Trek, and of course, the next installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm going to be in the movies a lot this year.

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