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MP Skins and Models


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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Hey, No offence intended Vaga. I was Just finihsing it off. Sorry again.


Understood. If this kind of thread were already going on in the swamp, I wouldn't care. But since it's actually a legitimate JKII topic that some people are trying to take seriously, I want to keep it on topic so that it doesn't become so dilluted and off-track that the people who want to talk about MP skins just give up because of all the nonsense talk about spoon this and spoon that.


Back on topic - yes, all the Jedi Council would be fun, as well as any and all Sith Lords. I'm sure some people would like to play as the Emperor (aka Darth Sidious). Maybe Nomi Sunrider, or Exar Kun. The whole gang.

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I would like to see Episode one and two MODELS (for those that cannot spell) and skins.



And Dirth Vedar, that is the easiest skin to make. Hell all you have to do is make a alpha channel skin with no texture and apply it to a model. Now if your talking about a ghost like effect, that is only slightly harder. Just take some cloud texture and use the same shader effect as the sky, but don't use a background image. In other words about two to five min. of work to make that kind of skin.

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Of Course I want to see

Corran Horn and a silver Saber.

Mara Jade with long red gold hair..



Wedge would be cool

Solo kids


Emperor maybe...don't know

A really good version of Vader and young anakin

Obi-wan young

Kyp Durron

I wonder what a Hutt would look like....huh

Dash Render...why not.


there you go. Though Corran is the top of the list. Silver saber is too cool. Man, he gets no credit. Michael Stockpole rules, such a good back story.

anywho. A gonk with a saber through it would be funny...i don't know about striking fear though.


Ewoks!!!! NO! I am still mad that they killed stormtroopers let alone take on yoda. They don't deserve to be in this game. Darn you george lucas and your PG movies!!!! You have to make the kids happy. Star wars isn't cute!!! ok i am done.

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Hey! There's nothing wrong with Spaceballs. Anyways, I want to see the following:

Mace Windu

Darth Maul

random Y-wing pilot

rebel soldier

imperial soldier

Jar Jar Binks (just so we have a reason to have everyone gang up on someone)

and of course, Jackie Chan

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Since you bring up Spaceballs and Dark Helmut, here are my MP model 'n' skin wishes...


Dark Helmet

A superb Darth Vader

Jango 'n' Boba





All Solo kids

Mara Jade

Dash Rendar

A R2 unit (wouldthat be funny to see an R2 'walking' on walls with a saber?)

Emkay (the droid from XW:A)

Ep2 Anakin

Ep2 Obiwan

Mace Windu

Emporer Palpatine


A mystrious black-robed Jedi

Jack Burton (from big trouble in little china)




Probe Droid

Dark Trooper, all phases

and Angus from AC DC (the lead guitar player w/ the schoolboy outfit)


Well those are the only ones I can think of now. I know some of them are out there, but I don't care.

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Originally posted by Graphicsgod

Oops went off topic, lol. Sorry mista moderator.


I would like to see Episode one and two MODELS (for those that cannot spell) and skins.



And Dirth Vedar, that is the easiest skin to make. Hell all you have to do is make a alpha channel skin with no texture and apply it to a model.


dont tell ppl to learn to spell if u cant :D its Darth Vader


nuff said

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Thank you StAtilXl, I don't know what I would do if you hadn't come along and showed me how to spell one of the easiest SW characters names. For if it wasn't you I would still be spelling his name, Dirth Vedar. That was sarcasm if you couldn't guess.


On a lighter note, yes I was replying to the forum member ;).

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me i wanna see


Dark trooper (all phases)

Grand Admira lThrawn

Dash Rendar (he and Kyle look alot similar, maybe they were twins seperated at birth :D )

Darth Vader

Dark Luke (from dark empire)

Dark Kyle


Morgan Katarn

Mara Jade

Talon Karrde

Clone Emporer

Joruus C'baoth (dark jedi from Thrawn trilogy)

Corran Horn

Wedge Antilles

Boba Fett & Jango Fett

Mace Windu

All dark jedi from JK (yun, sariss, maw etc.)

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Oh man, there are so many I'd like to see...of course obvious ones like Vader, Boba and Jango Fett, Maul, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, other Jedi Council Members, Ep. I, II/III, and IV Obi-Wan, Yoda, tons of aliens, including Ponda Baba (with choppable arm ;) ) Lets's see...battle droids, clonetroopers (that would be EASY), Palpatine, Count Dooku, Ep. I, II/III Anakin, Aura Sing, Dengar, IG-88, C-3PO/other protocol droids, tusken raiders, and JAWAS!! Also, I'd like to see skin variations of Luke, Han, Leia, etc. so we can have say "Bespin Luke" vs. "Hoth Luke" or "Pilot Luke," etc. Get to work people!

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