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Distructible sabers?


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Hi guys....I've just watched the teaser ~30 times...and theres a moment when Kyle fights some kinda jedi in the place where Vader and Luke fought in 5th ep.......The enemy throws the saber at Kyle and he blocks it....So....What happends after? Is the saber destroyed or does it go back to the owner? There is some kinda blast....so i wondered what could it mean...Remember 1st episode? Ob1 destroyed one part of the Maul's saber....

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Well i think that's a perfect idea but not in the way you are thinking. when someone blocks the thrown saber it gets blocked and the owner uses the force to get it back. Oh yeh, Obi got maul's saber into cos' he put it through the middle (handle).

But it would be great if you were in an intense fight and you were lightning them and then you foirce pushed them(just an example. ithink they should drop their saber and it would be handy if u could stamp on it. Of course when u respawn it comes back :)

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remember that force saberthrow is basically an active forcepower, and as such, you always control the force while using it


(how do lightsabers work btw? i doubt it's possible to activate it and just lay it on the table for a while.. does it require some sort of connection to the force?)


anyway, the way i see it you don't just activate the saber and throw it (this is a very controlled throw, not affected by gravity etc), and since you're always controlling it, you also have the means to pull it back automatically

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(I don't think that will happen since the hilt is a bit wider than the blade, so the hilt will keep it from falling to the centre of the planet)

And my opinion.. about the destructable saber's thing.. well it wouldn't be quite fair to cut someone's saber in half just because he lobbed it at you. And if you're going to make them destructable then they'd have to be destructable at all times, including when their owner is holding them.. but that would require some precise hitting.. and you'd cut their hand of along with the hilt anyways ^.^ So I just think that for the sake of keeping things fair that sabers should be indestructable. (especially concidering it's practically the only weapon I use in regular JK, just ask Oninosensi he'll agree on that lol)

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Have you played Mysteries of the Sith? It has Force Saber Throw in it.


The way it worked in MotS is the saber would automatically return to you after you through it (don't gripe about how that's not realistic, it's just got force pull stuck in there with it automatically).


If you read the EU books, you don't have to have the force to use a lightsaber. I think somebody already mentioned Han using Luke's saber in ESB. What the books describe is using the force is required to make a lightsaber. It also talks about a bond between a saber and its maker so a person using their own saber has an edge over somebody using one they didn't make.

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Yeah, there are some other questions I've always had about sabers and their use. First, why is it that the FIRST time someone draws their saber, the blade comes out slowly and all dramatic-like. After this, they can hit the button and have it immediately out. Hmm... Second: is there some connection between the user and the saber? Because whenever someone dies, their saber turns off... (except in the Phantom Menace game but oh well.)



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Well usually a saber comes out slowly, but in the films it isn't always like that for special effect limitations and stuff ^.^

Well you could say there is a connection, but that's more like what MikeC said about a Jedi using a saber he made himself having an advantage over someone using a "borrowed saber" (which makes sense, they made it themselves and have customised it entirely to their needs.. compare it a bit to a swordsman forging his own sword out of raw iron... he makes it to fit his own needs and what he looks for in a weapon, and also that when you've been using the same weapon for a long time you grow used to it.. a bit like me feeling a bit alienated from a game when I have to use a joypad/keyboard that isn't the one I'm used to) But anyways no, it's not that the saber goes out because the user dies, it's because the user lets go of the activation button.. well there are sabers that use an on/off switch instead.. so those would stay activated even if the user drops it.

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I was wondering if in mp u will be able to ccustimize, not only ur blabe color. but also ur handle. So not everyone in the world playin jk2 will have the exact same light saber......

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All lightsabers have a special crystal in them, where they draw their power from. They're activated when the user puts his finger on the activation button. If one jedi is struck down, the saber will turn off because they aren't holding the button down anymore. Also, there is an option to lock the saber in "on" mode, where it will stay on no matter what.

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Saber throw was lame in MOTS, it'll probably be lame in Outcast... unfortunate that they're including it.


Really unfortunate.


But the game will still be the bomb.


Just another stupid move for people to try on me and fail, and I'll still be using good old fashioned normal saber skills to take them all out, just like I did in JK.


As for the trailer, you guys talking about the PC Gamer UK disc one? is that on any discs for PC Gamer US? if so what edition? if not, where can a person find that video?

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Saber Throw lame???


Of course its lame if you throw it at an opponent directly facing you. I think the saber throw will be useful if you are out of force power, or if your enemy is preoccupied i.e. he/she is fighting another jedi, or is trying to jump/run away from you.

Also im sure the throw will have many uses in SP, and does look cool. :cool:


Personally I hope that the saber will be indestructible and will always return to its owner, lets not make the gameplay to complex/slow, its a FPS not a RPG. Besides control of the saber should be second nature to a jedi, even a untrained Luke could retract his saber in the ice cave.

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No you don't need force to use the saber but there is a passive power, the more stars or power on it, the better you block, swing and throw.


You don't use force stars in JK2.


Saber throw was lame in MOTS, it'll probably be lame in Outcast... unfortunate that they're including it.


You obviously haven't played MotS with SBX v. 3.0, the saber throw is cool then and it can be controled.

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

Saber throw was lame in MOTS, it'll probably be lame in Outcast... unfortunate that they're including it.


After this post tell me if you still think throw is going to be lame....

At the 1st level of power it will just function like in MOTS

At the 2nd level it will be controllable in mid air

At the 3rd level it will seek out enemies by it self

Also it can get knocked out of the air and will sometimes need to be force pulled back to the user. It will also look cool because of the graphics.


After reading this you can understand how it will be one of the coolest force powers :D

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Just for the record, in one of the books (the one where the Solo kids were kidnapped) a dark Jedi has a saber that must be turned on using the Force. Therefore only force users can use that lightsaber, but for the most part there is a button which must be held to keep it on and a switch which keeps it on until switched off.

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