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UAC Newsletter


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I have just made a newsletter, and they are tight because they don't give you any html code to put on your website. So instead, I have to ask peeps for thier email adress.... if you want to recieve the monthly newsletter, please leave your email adress here, and you shall be added to the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...


if this is what it's like being an animator, i think i'll choose a new profession. :eek:


i'll send them to you next time you come online GB


fender, do you have MSN messenger? if so i'll download it cause we never talk anymore!

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im not gonna say my msn adress...

















cause it is in my sig....











or is it?
























yes it is!

































or is it?




















ok, this message has gotten way too long, bye






















just skip the rest!














do it already









its not funny anyomre!



its never been!















or has it?







k, then, i ll shut up





*walks away sad*











guess wot: hits the wall

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Originally posted by Griswold

that was pretty gay GB122...


how ignorant of you.....




....and whats it to you if someone is gay or not.....being gay isnt an insult.....


true....im not gay....but it was just a joke....


youre pushing me, griswald....you wont like me when im angry....

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