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New Screenshot [2/22/02]


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The Bothan Spy, well... you can use one of the best graphic editing programs around and purchase Photoshop. But that could set you back $500 (at the least). Or you could go with the god awfull Paint Shop Pro. It's free (and rightfully so), and gives you pretty much everything you need to create and edit images.


Do a search for "Paint Shop Pro" on the net and you should find it.


Then open your board information by clicking on "user cp" at the top of the page, and tell it to upload your image. Just remember to keep it small in both size and in bytes.



And there you have it, hope that helps.

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Originally posted by Graphicsgod

The Bothan Spy, well... you can use one of the best graphic editing programs around and purchase Photoshop. But that could set you back $500 (at the least). Or you could go with the god awfull Paint Shop Pro. It's free (and rightfully so), and gives you pretty much everything you need to create and edit images.


Do a search for "Paint Shop Pro" on the net and you should find it.


Then open your board information by clicking on "user cp" at the top of the page, and tell it to upload your image. Just remember to keep it small in both size and in bytes.



And there you have it, hope that helps.


Cheers Graphicsgod, nice one!!

Personally though, I think Paint Shop Pro rules, but maybe that's because it's the most advanced graphics program I've used? The only other one is MS Paint, which I know for sure IS rubbish!!

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I am saying that Kyle is not fighting a clone of himself nor is he looking into a mirror exactly. I think he is either is some kind of room that has a portal or warp zone that sends back an image of the other side or he is in one of those maze/puzzle halls where you have to have to choose the correct order for which direction to go before it lets you out. Like Forward, Forward, left, back, right, forward... It can't be a mirror because it is reflecting him holding the lightsaber from the other hand, but if it was a warp zone/portal that showed where the person was going then the opening is showing an image of Kyle from the standpoint of the portal. It makes sense to me...the portal is showing him or at least is made to make him think that once he enters it he will come out in the same place he went in. I highly doubt it is a clone of Kyle because there is too much in the picture that makes me think its a portal of some kind. There is a pronounced line in the floor right where the "reflection" begins. The view from the portal shows Kyle standing at the same distance from the walls to the left and right in front of him. What is the black space though above though. The smaller looking pillars don't go into it and it doesn't look like a view of the ceiling because there is no darkness on the ceiling directly in front of Kyle before the portal. I think that the black you see is actually part of the machine or whatever it is that is making the portal. I think Raven set the view of the portal to make it seem like a hall of mirrors effect but probably made this section in a way so as to not have any two portals in direct view of each other because then you are talking massive slow downs.


However...I think there is the possibility based on the hints Raven has given out that Kyle will have to fight a clone of himself or something similar and that this would either be a good lead into that level-wise or a good place to have the fight happen. Think about it...By this point in the game you know you are looking for a bad version of yourself you turn the corner and see yourself standing there and the tension rises. Now what if there was actually nother Kyle running through all these portals(the real bad one) to add to the confusion and tension. Just a theory but it could happen. Either way I seriously doubt that what you are seeing in the picture is the actual clone of Kyle. I think it is more likely it is the portal effect created by Raven to not mirror yourself but to show you an image of yourself from the perspective of the portal.


Thats my take.


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I can spot a Q3 mirror a mile away...and it definetly is a mirror... but it looks kind of broken right now ( looks like it wasn't set up quite properly in that screenshot ). Also, the rocks are not bending, the face just isn't cut at a 90 degree angle....it sort of has the edge clipped off at an odd angle.


The broken mirror bit brings up sort of an interesting question in my mind...I wonder if Raven takes the screenshots or if someone at Activision or Lucas takes the shots and distributes them? I'm assuming any of the dev's at Raven would know it was broken and not hi-light such a fact by letting everyone see it. Whereas, someone in marketing or mgmt. probably has no idea what it's really supposed to look like.....

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I think Raven takes the screenshots and sends them to Lucasarts. Lucasarts then picks the ones they like and publishes them.


They are messing with our minds. Toying with us. They haven't released a demo yet, trying to get us to go insane, now this wierd screenshot that has us all confused. Jedi Outcast will be the end of us...

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Welcome to the forums Painreliever, The Bothan Spy and Jedi_Knight_UK. Hope you're enjoying your stay. :D


*hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


As for that pic. I'm not so sure it is a mirror. It just looks like a doorway to me, with the floor sloping up slightly and down again on the other side...like, er...sand drifted up against the door when it was closed? The textures aren't mirrored either.


I'd go with the idea that this is Kyle taking a test in the Jedi Academy...facing his personal fear, like Luke did on Dagobah.


Of course, it's all conjecture. Maybe it is a mirror - in which case it's totally bug-ridden.


Mind you...Lucasarts have been known to release screenshots of earlier builds...complete with obvious bugs. Remember the one with the blur effect...that wasn't a blur effect? ;)

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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy

Another thing I've noticed, is that Kyle's saber hilt is different to the one he has in most of the recent screenshots. In this pic. he has a big chunky one that was in the screenshot with the green lakey thing - it looks a bit like Obi-Wan's from Ep1 (urrgh!). Does that mean this picture isn't "new" new???

Or....... They're going to let us select a saber hilt when creating a multi-player character :D (just wishful thinking hehe ^_^")

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hmmm.,... fighting yourself... didn't MOtS already do that??? yawn...



on the other hand, it might be fun.... especially if it learns from you and uses the same fighting style you do...


i still think it might be multiplayer... they wouldn't give it away this soon, would they?


on the other hand, kyles a stormie... if they are all clones, maybe they all look like him ;)

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Hey, wouldn't it be cool if you were wandering through a labrinth of mirrors and came across one that didn't give you an exact reflection? There'd be tons of reasons why, but that's the story's job. By itself, it would just be a really startling thing to come upon.



So then you have to wonder why they'd give that away..

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