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Quote: The only biproduct is the light? If that was true, the lightsaber would just be a really hard glow rod.


No your missing the point, it is still energy, not just a hard rod it is a massless vortex of energy that when comes in contact with physical objects excites the molecules thus giving the cutting effect.


Quote: The "heat" is part of what makes it a dangerous weapon. If it was just more dense than any physical material,


It isnt dense atall its massless ie weightless, this is what makes it so dangerous to an untrained user.


If you`d like to read more on the "Physics" of lightsabers, this website is really good and although its only a fictional weapon, i find this site describes the most likely way it works and functions.




O well just a thought im not trying to start an argument




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Well if you think about it. if you were the guy with the blue sab dancing and you looked down with the saber cutting through and then you walk in a circle causing your saber to make a circle so if it went right through the bit of glass would fall right through.. correct? also you could cut the whole square out with your saber by ealking round. That is more like the GeoMod Engine tho. also in jk when you hit glass is shattered as if you hit it with a baseball bat, but if you think bout it no-one knows if that's what wpold happen because it is s-f and them olecules may try to go against each other causing it to shatter rather than melt.

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Guest Tre Lightshadow

Maybe a lightsaber is somewhat like a real-life laser. It does carry heat (because it is condensed light) but the heat doesn't stray to far from the beam because it is so condensed. A lightsaber is even more so, the beam is only about a meter long, so the heat wouldn't stray too far from the light, especially if it is like a condensed laser. The melting could also occur from friction, I beileve this was stated. The lightsaber would produce high frequncies, it is light, and by moving molecules that fast, it would create heat on the door's molecules, therefore melting it.

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I don't know if anyone has checked out the most recent SoF2 video trailer - at about the 27 second mark it shows some really cool shattering glass windows - the best I've ever seen. Raven (Ken?) very recently talked about that being something also used in JK2.



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Also take note that when Obi Wan chopped of the alien's arm in the cantina in Ep4, the arm didn't spray blood everywhere. Its some word that where you put heat on a laseration or something that it stops the bloodflow. I think its clot but Im not sure.


By the way, if the blade is pure energy, then friction wouldn't matter if Im correct because energy doesn't have a physical surface so it doesn't create friction. I am probably wrong on this, but if not, woohoo :) I haven't had physics yet...

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the Lightsaber is pure enery!!!

what happens when you try to put to much energy through a small wire? it gets hot, that is similar to how a lightsaber works!!

it adds energy to any matter it comes in contact with and heats it up that way, the air surrounding it doesn't get hot because the air right at the surface of the blade becomes ionized and acts as an insulation

or something like this, i just realized that several times Jedi have used their lightsabers underwater and the water has not gotten hot, oh well

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Argh. Another one of these arguments. Think about like this: a lightsaber is a high-powered, energy- or plasma-based chainsaw. The blade particles are emitted and then loop back. The blade DOES NOT emit heat, only light, otherwise it would undoubtedly kill anoyone within quite a large radius. When the blade passes through matter, it causes friction. Heat is the byproduct of friction, so that's why you see scorch marks and molten steel. Similarly, the blade causes sparks when it hits hard surfaces - did you ever try grinding a chainsaw against a metal plate?


This explanation accounts for all effects seen in the movies.

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To get back to the original question : how will glass interact with your surroundings.


1. When you are standing at 1 side of the glass, you will be able to see the other side.

2. Some glass can be shattered, some cannot. The mapper decides which glass you can shatter.

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