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Green saber mystery in UK tralier


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I was watching the UK trailer over and over trying to find out some more stuff, when at about 1:05 when you see kyle fighting some reborn guys and one of them gets choked I noticed something just before it switches to the next scene.


I saw a quick flash of a green lightsaber. I timed and paused it at the right moment and noticed it is definately not a reborn dude. The guy looks to have a black jedi cloak and he was fighting kyles enemies. Its pretty blurry, and you cant see it all, but could it be Luke :confused: Hmmmmmm....


I have not got a screen so you will have to look for yourself.

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It has been stated by Raven and LucasArts that at some point in the game, both Luke and other Jedi will assist us in some way. It could very well be Luke or some other Jedi. But I'd bet that it's Luke.


Can anyone do a print screen or something so I can see? I have yet to download all of the trailer.

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Thanks Darth Lunatic!


Hrmmmm... tough call. It's a green saber, obviously. But I don't think that it is Luke. To me, he doesn't appear to be wearing a cloak, something more similar to what Kyle has on, I think. If it is Luke and he is supposed to be helping Kyle, where is he going and why is he attacking in the opposite direction leaving two on one to Kyle? Maybe he is getting someone off of both their backs, but who knows. It could just be a MP shot.

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i'd say its multiplayer.. if you look closely, you can tell that he's facing AWAY from the guy with the red saber, and it seems to me that its wearing the endor gear from RotJ, so my best guess is that its a multiplayer game and there just happens to be an endor luke skin. then again, i could very well be wrong.

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Sorry, but I don't see a ponytail. All I can see behind that guy is a spark from the lightsaber clash between Kyle and one of the Reborn hitting the wall and bouncing off again.


Even if he does have a ponytail...so what? Obi-Wan (TPM) has a long braid because he's a Padawan. Why can't some of Kyle's helpers be Padawans - which would actually make sense if he visits the Academy, and Luke assigns some of the students to help him at various points in the game...


As for that character being Luke...it's very hard to tell. He's definitely fighting that Reborn...who has moved to the right, and actually seems to have sliced through the poor guy, which could explain why he isn't moving back around. The definition just isn't there to make a positive ident., though.


Every time I watch that video...I want the game more and more. :D

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Sorry, but I don't see a ponytail. All I can see behind that guy is a spark from the lightsaber clash between Kyle and one of the Reborn hitting the wall and bouncing off again.


Even if he does have a ponytail...so what? Obi-Wan (TPM) has a long braid because he's a Padawan. Why can't some of Kyle's helpers be Padawans - which would actually make sense if he visits the Academy, and Luke assigns some of the students to help him at various points in the game...


that can't be a padawan..kyle hasn't even been trained as a real jedi so how can he teach some1 else???:rolleyes: but it still kinda looks like a pony tail but that thing about the spark may be true 2..but we r all just gonna have 2 wait 2 find out if it is a pony tail or not..:D


no wait it cant be a spark the spark disappeard rite be4 it hit the wall:cool:

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Heh...did I say he was Kyle's Padawan? :) Did I? :D Er...no. I said a student from the Jedi Academy...who I assume would be a Padawan of Lukes... :rolleyes: Maybe I didn't say that clearly enough in my last post. :(


As for the spark...mmmm...you could be right about it not bouncing back... However, that Reborn has just sliced through the guy...so it could be to do with that. :)


As you say...we'll have to wait and see... ;)

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