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New Heavy Weapon idea!!!

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

How bout a Heavy Weapon that laid land mines. It could be a zamboni looking vehicle that was slow and heavily armored. It would have no attack capabilities but would drop land mines that were invisible to the enemy just like the spider mines in starcraft. You would que up the mines by clicking on the vehicle the same way you que'd up scarabs in the protoss reaver in Starcraft. These mines would not harm you or your allies but would explode whenever an enemy was nearby. The mines would be good against troops; but weak against heavy weapons and mechs. How bout it???:D

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Guest PhantomMenace

Thanks i'm just hoping one of the developers or designers is looking at this and taking this into consideration. Let's hope so; it would make a really cool unit!

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Guest PhantomMenace

Something tells me this new air cruiser is gonna be the equivalent

to your turbolaser turret idea. Sounds like its gonna be a big mean tough flying unit; kinda like the protoss carriers and the terran battlecruisers.

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Sorry, but it's a stupid idea IMO. First of all, if the mines were invisible, wouldn't that mean that there would be no counter for them? Even if they're weak against mechs you'd only have to drop like a houndred outside your base and you'd be invincible. Air units could be countered by AA turrets, so all you would need was to build 20 mine layers and a couple of AA turrets.


The flying turbolaser turret? Major balance disruption. And who would build them? Flying workers??? And don't start talking about inplementing flying workers, for god's sake. It was a joke. I mean, workers who just flew around and the only thing they could do was attack with an attack rating of 3 and build turbolasers? I mean, they can't build buildings, as they fly, you know..


Both, in fact, would disturb balance and all units needs counters and in the mines' case there is no counter. There is for the mine layer, yes, but that's a different idea altogether.


Yes, the mine layer is a good idea, but not in a strategy game. In tactics games like GC they work fine, but not in GB.


The Air Cruiser will be like the Millenium falcon, I guess.

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The flying turbolaser turret? Major balance disruption. And who would build them? Ever hear of utility tugs? Maybe they could be built with the airbase, and only be able to plant mines.


Both, in fact, would disturb balance and all units needs counters and in the mines' case there is no counter. Anti Air Troopers

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Guest PhantomMenace

Well Dagobhan were the protoss scarabs cheap? By no means were they cheap; those suckers were very expensive and each little one of those cost a lot of resources. These mines would be same way. You say there is no counter unit? Well duh; detector units. The mines would be like a stealth unit and you would have to ensure that you sent a detector unit out with your troops to look for mines. Also you could sweep the mines with mechs; the same way the real military does it. They send in tanks first to crush any anti-personnel mines. This would all be apart of strategy. Neglect to have detector units or to send at least one mech up front and your forces pay the price! I think mines are an excellent idea and they make a great compliment to walls. Think about it.. you spend all this ore to make this long wall and all they gotta do is bust through one section and they can funnel through lots of troops throug that one gap! Place some mines behind your walls and you really do have some solid rush defense. Also mines could act as a psuedo wall if you dont want to spend all your ore making the great wall of china. In short; you; without thinking say there would be no counter unit; well just like the observers in starcraft revealed spider mines; the detecdtors in this unit could reveal land mines. And if your short on those sweep the area with tanks like the real military does it. I think this is a great idea and i really hope that it somehow someway gets implemented especially after i have just crushed any idea that they might not fit into an RTS game? Which really was in a sense a no brainer considering they have already appeared in Starcraft, probably the most popular RTS of em all DUH!!!!:eek:

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Also you could sweep the mines with mechs; the same way the real military does it. They send in tanks first to crush any anti-personnel mines. This would all be apart of strategy.


That's not really a counter-argument. It's like saying that the only counter against the explosive droids is to let them hit something they won't damage as much. Counter: Let them attack you and deal some damage to you :rolleyes:. Okay, so they are visisble using detector units, but you'll have to take damage from them to destroy them.


About the anti-air turrets, it'd just be all wrong. How would anti-air troopers be able to destroy those turrets? There would be no minimum range, as they're hovering over the ground. And even if there was, just researcb that motor tech that eliminates the minimum range. What you are left with is a turret that can only be fired upon by anti-air units, as pummels, cannons, and mounted troopers, which is their natural counter, would not be able to attack them because they are air units. Fighters could attack them, but you know how long it takes a fighter to attack a building and bombers can't attack flying units.


I could compromise with you, though: A turret that looks like a space battery that could only be placed in space (but that does not count as an air turret so everyone can attack it like a normal turret), and that can fire at all units. Who would build it? No one. It'd be a toybox unit.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Dagohban you arent using any brain cells here. It looks like i got to spell everything out for you. What did you do when your observers revealed a spider mine in Starcraft? Send in a zealot to blow it up?? No; you shot at the mine from long distance with an aircraft or a dragoon to blow it up and get it out of the way. The same thing would go for these mines; once you sent over an observer unit and saw em you would shoot at em and blow em up. The whole send in mechs first idea was just a last resort counter in the event you dont have a detector unit or lost all of em. I think this would add a nice new dimension to the stealth/detector area of this game which is; as it stands; pretty much useless at this point. this would actually give you something to do with your detector units. I see this as coming in handy. You could litter your base with these mines and if they bust through your defenses your buildings would be well protected from melee units. So far they have represented just about every aspect of real warfare except for the anti-personnel area. You know things like land mines; claymores; barb wire; chemical warfare and such. I think this would let them cover yet another base.

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i think the air cruser should be like a blastboat, more armor and attack but slower. then again, in GB speen in air units doesn't matter like it does in the books cause you can't do dogfights. i think the mine idea is good, but they would need to be invisible to not stealth detecting units. maybe to go with a mine layer a anti mine trooper?........:rolleyes:

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The mines could work if you added a new unit: The minesweeper.


Cost: Carbon, Food, and Nova

HP: 100

Attack: 0

Armor: 0/5

Speed: Slow/Medium


But the main idea why I disagree is that, hey, how fun is it to constantly have to worry about mines? Doesn't it make the gameplay a bit slower? And wouldn't air transports ferry troopers over them anyway?

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I thought you said their would be AA turrets around the mines? Also don't air transports go over any defence? If you look at the map you can pretty qiuckly size up where mines will be. He won't put them in the middle of no where or in large open areas and since it should take time to lay them it would be at choke areas where they could be put down qukily and do some good. Gameplay won't slow down much but it will make you think and pay if you don't alwaysa good thing. I like the idea. Why not make minelayer able to sweep mines instead of new unit to do it. If they can lay um they know how they work :shrug:.

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I thought you said their would be AA turrets around the mines?

If you're typing to me, I don't get what you mean. Wheter you want to build turrets around your mines is your choice :confused:


Also don't air transports go over any defence?

Except AA defense.. heh.


If you look at the map you can pretty qiuckly size up where mines will be. He won't put them in the middle of no where or in large open areas and since it should take time to lay them it would be at choke areas where they could be put down qukily and do some good.

And then there is 'do the unexpected' and the 'mine push' :evil2:.


Gameplay won't slow down much but it will make you think and pay if you don't alwaysa good thing. I like the idea.

I'm tempted to agree, although I just don't like the idea of mines in GB. Just my opinion.


Ever player Ground Control by Massive Entertainment? It's a tactics game where you don't build bases or gather resources at all, you just dropship an army into the mission area and that's it. Now, this is one of the games where you really have to be strategic. You have a really large variation of units, and you can customize units before mission start. I just love it, and I recommend it to anyone who likes games where you have to.. well, stop and think instead of simply building an army and rushing in when it's big enough.


Why not make minelayer able to sweep mines instead of new unit to do it. If they can lay um they know how they work :shrug:.

I think any unit would. Even Jar-Jar should be able to understand the 'you touch me, I blow you up' concept rather quickly.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Whoa whoa guys guys...we're putting way too much into a simple suggestion here. Yes air transports can fly over mines; but they can fly over walls too but they still put em in the game right? There would be no need for a minesweeper unit. All you would need is your already present regular old detector units. You know they made about a zillion of em. Real easy. If you want to sweep mines then send in a detector unit and start shootin at em. Would it slow down gameplay? No! It would only slow down those massive troop rushes which is a good thing for the defender. That's the whole purpose of the mine is to slow down the enemy and kill a few of em at the same time. Air transports would be able to carry guys over but you really cant carry a lot of troops in air transports which is another true to life aspect. So eventually you gonna have to revert to the old shoulder to shoulder forced march with your troops. And even if they did do an air drop at your base; like i said ; litter your base with mines and when they land they'll probably land on a good deal of your mines and thus negate even an air drop rush! This would be a great defensive implementation and think about it. You could drop your mines so they spell words like "F**K YOU!!' and when they go off they go off in a chain so the enemy see's the word "F**K YOU!!" as they all go off in a chain reaction!:D

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lol to the last part. I do that in TFC on fort 2 write fag's and F U in bullets on the wall usally get's some laughs.


Mine psuhing wouldn't work they have to be in fornt to help and if their infront the units can't screen them. Also to disrage this I'd acutally consider making them troopers aviable in tech 2. Upgrade in 3 and 4 for more poweful mines and an upgrade at war center for faster planting and or lower cost for mines. And yeah guy's could mine Nova and ore but that to be expected.


I've played GC and though you must think it often sadly comes down to camping and battle end at frsit contact. I like games where i can build units they plaly faster and better IMO as people aren't deathly afriad of losing one or 2 units. the varions are their but their not huge their light tanks, bigger tanks, and biggest tanks though the other units are all diffrent to few for my taste. The infantry selction blows and air units are basic. tanks had no varity and and Cray support isn't taht invetive OND was cool. It was good but I like games like SW:GB better.

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Personally I like the idea of land mines; Air Craft would become a much better unit for it (which is great Imo).

I think the land- mine layer should be a trooper that lays one or two mines and then runs out, he'll then only have a crappy pistol (that does about no damage) then.

Also, I think units that can detect stealth and other land mine layers would be the only one to detect it

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I think it would be OK for mines but they should be expensive and not available until say tech 2 or 3. Otherwise, picture the opponent who mines all the ore deposits on the board while still in tech 1.


I also don't like a minelayer, you should have workers lay the mines. They're vulnerable and while they're digging holes out there they can get shot. This makes it difficult to drop mines in enemy territory.


As far as mine detectors, you know there's precious little reason to build the sentry towers or the probots or the scout mechs right now. This would make them worth their cost. They could flag the enemy mines when they pass near them. You would have to shoot them with a cannon or bomber to set them off.


The air cruiser... I think it will be like the sea cruiser with a single heavy cannon upgradable to two or three heavy cannons.

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If they created the mines for us & the mine layers & detectors it would be very easy to use them. Most all comments say everything towards the initial thread so I have nothing unique in that sense to state.

You can already brouch this mine idea using the Triggers in Map Editor. The limitation to this is having to designate a pre-existing unit or character to BE the mine (be a tree, rock, bird, bush, water processor, droid, or other) which takes from the realism, unless you consider the aspect of disguising your mines as other 'natural' objects. The detecting of these Trigger mines is the hardest aspect, in my opinion, to make which pushes the ability to do so on the Outer Rim of practicality. If they made the units for us, they'd either be fun, or wouldn't depending on how they do it. But once again it's an issue about 'lack of included units & range of characters' given to us, or else this thread would be about if we like em & not, would they be neat. I wish they'd give us more options to add new units, characters, & ideas like the Triggers do for the story plots & goals. That would settle many gamer issues.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Its a heavy weapon so it wouldnt be available til tech lvl 3 so you wouldnt have to worry about guys littering ore mines right off the bat but you would have to be wary of far off mnes. Besides i cant think of any other unit type they could add besides a mine layer. maybe a checimal unit of some type that shot this gas into the area and it hung in that area like a cloud and damaged all units that walked through that area. Once they add the air cruiser (a flying assault mech) they will be pretty much well rounded as far as unit types. I still think the mine layer will be a good idea. It

wont be as important a unit as the assualt mech, but it will be a handy unit for defensive purposes.

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