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Chat with Raven developers!

Imp Destroyer

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Originally posted by MrWhosit

bomberII, saberpro, I'm with you...damn school! hmm, maybe i can get on the chat from one of the oh-so-crappy imacs public schools insist on getting...:D


Hey man. Welcome to the forum :)


Well at least our school computers ain't the ever so colorful and weird-shaped I-Macs...we got black Dells 933Mhz's....pretty damn nice computers for schools. 10A.M....damn i can only be in our Tech Lab at 8A.M. PST...to 9A.M. PST...argh!

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Originally posted by Imp Destroyer

there is a chat on March 1 on GamesDomain with 4 of the lead Raven people!!!!!!!!




:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


here's the link for those of you who don't have it, you have to sign up to chat!




Just a little trivial side note about your post:


Highlight all of your happy faces and see what it looks like! They look like MONKEYS!! :lol:

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My school (well, my shop) has nice new black Dell 1GHz's :) too bad i won't be in shop. damnit. oh no, wait a second...heh heh. when is the chat again? maybe i WILL be in shop, in which case i'll be attending...


damnit nevermind. it's this friday which means i'll be in academics. i hate you all.

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Just a little trivial side note about your post: Highlight all of your happy faces and see what it looks like! They look like MONKEYS!!


Good work SaberPro, keep it up.



:D try this one :( :( :( :( and this one :o :o :o




as for the chat, I'll just wait for someone to type it up :yoda:

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I'll also be in school and I can only think of one question that was quasi-addressed earlier.


Will the bodies actually fly 30 feet back when you hit them with the light saber?


If someone could post that question too them, or if someone could save the chat and post it here in the forums that'd be great. Thanks- NoodlyGod

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Originally posted by ryudom

only ONE cd???


are you sure? where'd you hear that? i find i weird that the original JK has two cds while the new JO has only one? games like diablo 2 have 3cds or more...



JK had huge ass videos inbetween... they take a LOT of space...


Since cutscenes are rendered by the ingame engine for JO, they dont take up that much space...

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yeah.. videos are big. personally, im gonna miss that part. i looked forward to finishing a level so i could see them. yes, the acting was a little campy, but thats ok. actually, kyle was done pretty well, and i didnt mind jan. jerek was awful. ugh.


just think, if mots had cinematics, we could FINALLY have a human face to ascribe to Mara Jade!!


mmm... mara...




i didnt mind the in game scenes in Alice. and, of course, they are having fully animated cutscenes. which is /OK/, but personally, im gonna miss the full motion video.


but im still gonna buy it all the same, i mean, its JKO!!!


how can you complain to much about that?!

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"secondary concern: Will force speed in MP have any limitations on it(i.e. will it have a cool down period, be a heavy mana consumer, etc.) " DeathBolt


Apparently the limitions will be the fact that it only lasts 5 seconds, and that while you are "force speeding" you won't regian any mana. So I assume if you keep using force speed over and over after it runs out, then you'll be out of force pwoer real quick.

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Does anyone know how I go about actually getting into the chat?


I've signed up, logged in, and got to this page.:




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So how do I go about actually getting into the chat, and waiting for it to start?


Thanks alot.

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Originally posted by Silent_Thunder

Does anyone know how I go about actually getting into the chat?


I've signed up, logged in, and got to this page.:




If you become disconnected, click this button:


You can navigate Games Domain without closing chat.


Closing this browser window will disconnect you.


If you have difficulty, please check our help pages.



So how do I go about actually getting into the chat, and waiting for it to start?


Thanks alot.


Same happens to me. Has it started yet? (6PM GMT)



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