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New Version of Star Wars!

Guest Bifficvs

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Guest Bifficvs

I don't know if any of you have seen or posted this before, but... go to Start menu, then run, then put in:


telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl


It's Star Wars: A New Hope done entirely in ascii art!!!!

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Guest Bifficvs

Yes, this alrady was discussed in another topic, I didn't see it (big boo boo on my part, I always try not to do the multiple topic thing, I know I hate it when I see it happen..please, don't shoot me!), and no, it's not the whole movie.....shortly after they get to the death star, it stops.

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I'm letting it play while I do other things. I allways check where it is every 3 minutes.


right now I'm at the scene were artoo and the c3po are being sold to luke.



after i typed that I am now at....r2 runs away





wierd desert people attacking luke and obi-wan saves him.


man this this is really cut down.:c3po:

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