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Cutting through Steel poles??


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I notice in the large trailer to JK2 which was at fileplanet but now I can't find it, Kyle ran pass what appears to be a tall lamp post structure. I know they said that the lightsaber leave burnt marks on walls and that the environment is more interactive but can you cut through the "lamp post" and have it fall apart,just like Vader did in Bespin against Luke in E.B.S.??:confused::fett:

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you guys are completely wrong...you wont be able to cut through lamp posts and have them fall off....i am quite sure of this....if they do have it, it will be cool, but i really really doubt that....they controllability of the environment wont be that good...you guys are getting your hopes up too much

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In Jedi Knight, Kyle could throw certain crates at opponents: this was a way to interact with the environment in JKI. I imagine that JK2 will offer similar interaction, maybe cutting certain lamp-posts in some levels would have a similar feel to throwing some crates in JK.

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I believe in one interview Raven stated that if you saw it in the movies, then you will probably be able to do it in the game (or something to that effect). Since Vader did this in the movies, sounds like it is a possibility. But, if it doesn't happen, I won't be too sad either.



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A mapper can specifically make a object "destructable", but its not likely that they will. This would require the object to be an entity vs just a regular brush. One or two of them, no biggie. Hundreds in a map, big deal.


You won't be able to saber everything you see and expect them to behave accordingly. Just like in other Q3A engine games, you can fire rockets into a wall all day and there will be no damage.


Quit trying to make up things to dissappoint yourselves with. I can see the "Raven make worlds destructable" petition that will be in the works. geeze.



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any1 here a level editor? any1 here ever played Half-Life? if the answer 2 1 of these questions is yes, then ull know:


breakable objects are easy as hell to do

breakable objects that can be interacted with after breaking are probably not

breakable objects will probably not have any effect on opponents

u will almost definitely see cool effects when chopping down lamp poles



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While I think Raven will make most loose, small objects(except guns) destructable, they will probably add only few bigger "objects" like lamp posts into that list to strengthen the image of interactive environment. I don't leave out the possibility that they might also let you destroy certain parts of bigger structure if there is some purpose to do so; I remember one instance in EF, for example, where you had to blast one pilar bringing part of the catwalk down, so that you could take shortcut to upper level. You still leave only scorch marks and blaster burns to walls and floors though(and even they will fade away).

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I wish I had a lightsaber to cut down trees with instead of a hacksaw. That would make my life of yardwork a lot easier. :D


I think that lampposts will be destructible but not walls, buildings, etc. I mean, I'm sure you will be able to shoot out the light inside the lamp, but I don't really see what use slicing through a lamppost has, except that it looks pretty cool.

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Yeah, what Cyclone said.


It would be very easy for Raven to make metal pole "entities" that can be cut in half (interacted with). However, entities like this tend to hurt framerate, so you wouldn't see a whole ton of them.


Has anyone played Obi-Wan for X-Box? Despite some of the really negative reviews, this game does get a lot of things right. For example, there are some objects in the game that look like metal poles that have energy inside them; you force-push them into enemies, and when it hits, it will blow up, killing pretty much anything.. then you have this blown-up metal pole, which you can force-push around some more to kill even more baddies.:D There's a lot of other neat stuff; you can, for example, slam battle droids into a wall or crate and they will smash into peices; you can slice them in half; cut their heads off, etc, depending on where your saber hits 'em. It's great fun!! Probably one of the best moments was when I was in a hallway with about 15 droids in front of me; I did saber-throw and took half of them out flying AWAY and the rest on the way BACK. it was SWEET!

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

Ya, I am pretty sure you do.


The 'others' ;) will know into more depth though.


Cheers ;)


Dangit, I used to be one of those 'others'. And then I started getting projects in school. :(


or how about you force grip someone and throw them through glass? :p :P eh eh?


This is off topic, but I just thought of something. Pick up a stormie with grip, then use push to send the stormie out over a drop, then let go of grip. :):):):):)

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Jedi Howell:


hehe, I have made plenty of Half-Life maps http://www.planethalflife.com/jailbreak I'm that Cyclone and I made practically every map for that mod, although its been a while :D


So I know what you are talking about. breaking boxes to get healths and all that. But what Valve made HL map allowed you to destroy every wall, stair or other equipment in sight? None of them.


The id engines are not designed that way, JKII uses an id engine.


I stand by my post.



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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

why waste your money on a console? :p

PC's better



Because a pC engine is just a PC whereas a gaming console engine is designed soley for games. PLus they have better games



then you dont have to always upgrade every year or 2 when a console will last 5 to 7 years.

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Globule, your right. Obi-Wan has great gameplay. You really feel like a jedi in that game! Jedi Knight 1 was considered one of the best shooters of all time, and deserves it. Obi-Wan clearly has superior gameplay and graphics yet it recieves no respect. To this day I don't understand why Obi recieved such poor reviews. I'm sure Jedi Outcast will, however, dethrone most other Star Wars games when released.

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