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Originally posted by Andromeda

well i think it's fantabulous. if you're a people person you'll love it :)


I've found that about 98% of the people in college, I just can't stand to be around. I can't even get past the language a lot of the time - I hate it when people say "f*ck" once per sentence. I just can't be confortable around that. I've found one friend in the three years I've been here. Even the people who go to my church tend to be extremely crude.


Also, the sexually explicit discussions and behavior that almost everyone participates in is very hard for me to deal with. I don't like it here!

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the key to college is picking a major you enjoy, whats the point of picking something that you are going to hate. I already have a degree in history, my favorite subject, and now I am going for my masters in education, which I also enjoy. So for me, college really isn't too bad at all. I'm sorry for the rest of you who picked majors that suck, but you brought it on yourselves. As for the people, I couldn't care less about 99% of people on campus, I have a core group of friends (most of whom have grauated and gotten jobs), and my girlfriend goes to school with me, other than that, I really don't care and don't let people bother me.

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Ding majored in International Relations.


Andy, you like college because you're <i>smart</i>. Yeah, you still have to study and do work and stuff but you're still going to do good even if you didn't (yes, I remember you being worried about getting a B in microbio). You get people like me that don't even try just because I'm going to fail regardless. I studied for three days for my infosec test and got a 60%. Woo. Go me. I've been properly demoralized. Failure is a way of life. I don't think I can do good and I can't do good so what's the point. I would commit multiple homicides to get a B in any class of mine. Keyan has a nightmare major and hates it. I don't blame him. He hates college for the same reasons I hate college (well, I have more reasons too but I have the same complaints). I used to have a friend at school, but she's since graduated.

Right now I'm sitting in a lab studying for my evil midterm. woo.


Actually, that people person thing is right. But to poorly quote Daria on an opinion she and I share "I'm not much for public speaking and come to think of it I'm not much for the public either." Humans are idiots and beneath me.

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Nutester, i wasn't really talking about the academic part of school, even though i love that too. i was talking about the social part, the interaction with everyone else. i really lucked out when i came to school and met a group of girls that i'm closer to than anyone i went to high school with. and i've also lucked out that i managed to find a friendly school to go to. it's really tiny so you pretty much know everyone, but it doesn't have that high school atmosphere that a lot of tiny colleges do. and lastly, you have total autonomy over everything. if you screw up, it's your fault, but if you do really well, you can take responsibility for that too. that's why i love college, not because i get A's.

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That's another thing that makes me mad - A's. I don't get a lot of A's these days. High school - straight A's, no problem. But here, it's not so easy. It's all relative. There are times when I've hit 92%, 93% and still gotten a B because of the freaking curve. There are always a few people in the class who know it all already from their jobs or something and they doom my GPA. It's ridiculous.

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See, I'm to the point where I don't even think about the social interaction aspect of the "college experience" because I'm convinced it's a <b>myth</b>. I don't bother them and they don't bother me and we like it that way. I find it puzzling to an extent that the high school style cliques still exist, but at least for me, are centered around the NTs. Some profs seem to ignore these little groups that, shall we say, kiss ass and others seem to feed on them. That makes plenty of sense because that IS how the world operates, but as I am NOT one of the 40 year old women in the front row there appears to be no point to my attendance because <b>it will make no difference whatsoever</b> if I'm there or not. Last semester, I missed my psych class 18 times out of 39 classes and I still got a C. By all logic I should not have passed that class. But, I did because the prof wouldn't have even KNOWN I had missed 18 classes unless I pointed out the fact that I missed a lot of classes and had a few tests to make up. I don't even know what I'm talking about any more. I just took a midterm that defied all logic. It rivals the "War And Peace" final I took in high school. That test, which the teacher for WEEKS said we would all fail regardless of studying, not studying, taking it, not taking it, showing up drunk, WHATEVER and I repeatedly denounced as ALL HYPE, I failed ABYSSMALLY which was amazing because even after failing a final I still had 147% in the class for my grade. There were questions (it was a a multiple choice test) that ALL THE CHOICES FOR THE ANSWER WERE WRONG. Stuff like "On September 9, 1988, the Luftwaffe bombed the Japanese fleet in San Diego. Is this statement: A) Mostly true B) Partially true C) Partially false, but consisting of true facts D) False, but consisting of the truth" I would have picked E) What the hell is this **** for my answer but it was not an available choice. My interweb class midterm was not as reality-bending as that test, but it still baffled me with questions that ALL the choices were right and I had to somehow decipher which was the wrong answer.

Am I the only person noticing that
lately I've started to write these 
essay like posts?
What's going on?
And why do they make so little sense?

You know, I have no idea what I was talking about anymore.


So, uh, Ike my brother would try to kill you to get your The Who tickets. He's all into that kind of music and owns no less than two The Who shirts.

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Finally, someone older than me that agrees studying is a waste of time. Too bad I have to at least make an effort. I already have an extra semester's worth of classes to make up, most of which aren't even for my major. (I have to make up English II, Accounting I, Business Law, Intro to C++, and COBOL. They might forgive my COBOL one though because they rearranged the programming program and COBOL no longer exists as the same class that I failed.)

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I hate University. It's what's been keeping me away from here so much lately.


And no, you don't get to choose the courses you want. You get to choose the Major you want, then some bureaucratic button-pusher tells you what courses you have to take.


Now, for the humour that you all fumbled (:rolleyess):


Originally posted by Ikhnaton

...til your favorite admin (me, you nitwits) gets to see the one, the only, the great rock band The Who in concert :D


The Who's on stage?


<small>There's the straightline folks, don't let me down.</small>

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I love The Who, and am very very envious. Gunner, I was caller 6 of 7 there by missing FREE STYX tickets last week on teh radio :(


college, dislike, NT students are ****ing assholes. THey work twice as long as me because we have unlimited time to do **** in my classes, i work for 4 hours do a better program in JAVA but we both get the same A. I missed class cause, i needed $$ sO I worked instead, an dmissed 1/2 the info for our pop quiz friday so I got an F, the NT sutdents get paid to be there, so they got an A, i lose money everytime I go to class and it makes me sooo mad. I live in teh verge of poverty, even with getting 700 dollars monthy from my dad, I am flat broke. ~200 dollars every 2 weeks paycheck barely ever balances the bills past being able to take my girlfriend out to dinner and a movie once every 2 weeks. It's total bull****, and I hate it, I hate going to class and being the only young guy in it, and getting wierd looks cause I was late cause I was up late doing this or that or worked that morning and left my shift late to go to class. it drives me nuts, summer is my only requiem where I have nothing to do BUT work.

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