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Game Show Trivia About Star Wars!!!

Jan Gaarni

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Hmmm, maybe it was too difficult. Some people seems to get confused, not mentioning names. :p


Ok, your on the right track, Wraith, but no, it's not Victory Class. Victory Class Star Destroyers are an older Class developed after or near the end of the Clone-Wars. The Victory Class is the only one of the 3 most known Star Destroyer types that the public calls it by it's real type designation.


I've put in some pictures to help differenciate the 2 other classes. :) So we all are on the right page so to speak. :D

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Gosh, I honostly can't recall, and I like to think of myself as something of a Star Wars trivia geek. :p


Well, let's take a wild shot in the dark.. One of the first two Super Star Destroyers was the Executor (Darthy's flagship), so maybe they named the whole fleet after that one... :p


No idea on the Imperial Star Destroyer.

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Juztyn is very close.

He's right when he says that Super Class is really called Executor Class after the first ship that was built, consequently all ships of the same class are Executor Class Star Destroyers


Example: The Victory Class is called that because the very first that roll ... err floated out of the shipyard was named Victory.


I'll wait till tomorrow to c if anyone else can guess or find out what the Imperial Class really is called. :D


Unless U want to know now that is. U'r call. :D

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Juztyn, I'm beginning to believe U think that just because Vader had it as a commandship, that's what they class designate all the other ships of the same type. lol :D j/k


Raven, U mean 'A Guide To The Star Wars Universe' handbook?

Forget it, it's not in there. Most books, games and other informational sources of newer origin talk about them as Imperial Class and Super Class Star Destroyers soo. :rolleyes:

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Well, times up. And no answers yet. :D



Although, to some extent, it is correct to call this ship


an Imperial Star Destroyer, it is incorrect to designate it as an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer. Like with all other star destroyers, the type gets it's class designation from the name of first ship that roles off the production line of the same type, in this case The Imperator.

I said that it can be called an Imperial Star Destroyer, but so can any other star destroyer (Victory-Class, Allegiance-Class, Executor-Class, etc.) be called also. They are owned by the Empire, which makes them Imperial.



DAMN it's hard to post here sometimes lately. I've been trying for almost 6 HOURS know.

Anyone else got this prob?

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