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big chance for a demo


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I wouldnt speculate when a demo will be released, but Im certain there will be one. If you are looking at LECs site there are 23 games listed, including the classics. Out of those 23 games there are 2 (not counting titles yet to be released) that doesnt have a demo for downloading.

I am aware that Raven is involved in this game and that has not been the case before, however LEC likes demos and Ive heard that Raven has said it is up to LEC if they want one.


Conclusion, this friday or any other day, Id say we will be able to download a demo. It would be practical to, you get a chance to test your comp. and ev. upgrade before its time for the real deal.

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I think what you all have to keep in mind is that many games release a demo very close to the release date and some even wait until after the full game is released before doing a demo. I'm not making any generalizations towards Raven or LEC but I'm just saying that you shouldn't take a stereotype of when a demo is released and get your hopes up. If it's going to come then it'll come. If not, then get the full game.

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Also, I'm not too excited about the demo considering it'll probably be from the first, second, or third level so not much story is given away. This, of course, is before Kyle has his lightsaber. A demo without a lightsaber? Meh. I've lost interest there. Even if it has multiplayer lightsaber. I'd just rather wait. But that's my opinion.

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For many people out there, finding out whether the game is fun is more important than losing the thrill of getting the saber for the first time in the actual game. We're all biased, since we want to get the game regardless of how fun it's going to be (I mean, even if it'll totally suck I'll want it just so I can mod it), but for many moderate Star Wars gaming fans or gamers in general, it's imporant to know if a game's worth shelling out $50.

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I really really do think a demo is a good idea though.. *hint hint* i wanna see if my 2 year old computer with lotsa upgrades can hack it.. it just about took AvP2.. a bit slow but meh.. and it took quake 3 so hopefully it will work but ..i still wanna see how it runs before rushing out to buy it, then bringing it home and finding out it doesnt actually run and then having it end up on the shelf collecting dust untill i get a new computer..:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Rebelkimy

I really really do think a demo is a good idea though.. *hint hint* i wanna see if my 2 year old computer with lotsa upgrades can hack it.. it just about took AvP2.. a bit slow but meh.. and it took quake 3 so hopefully it will work but ..i still wanna see how it runs before rushing out to buy it, then bringing it home and finding out it doesnt actually run and then having it end up on the shelf collecting dust untill i get a new computer..:rolleyes:


Buy it from Walmart. They usually are ignorant enough to let you return games when you say the game wont work with your computer :)

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Originally posted by nu||ifier

I know this sounds crazy - but I hope a demo is not released...


The release of this game for me is a bit like a birthday or christmas, and I wanna open this present when its released.. a demo imho will just spoil the fun :)


So dont download the demo? :confused:

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Conclusion, this friday or any other day, Id say we will be able to download a demo. It would be practical to, you get a chance to test your comp. and ev. upgrade before its time for the real deal.


almost all their games have demos.. which probably means JO will have a demo, but the fact their almost all their games have demos doesn't indicate when one will be released because not all these games had demos before they were released.


personally i hope they get jkii out soon which means no demo until after the full release... ive already put down $50 in the form of a preorder and i'd personally like to see my as soon as possible.. the people that have already made the commitment shouldn't have to wait for those who may or may not buy it :p

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Also, I'm not too excited about the demo considering it'll probably be from the first, second, or third level so not much story is given away. This, of course, is before Kyle has his lightsaber. A demo without a lightsaber? Meh. I've lost interest there. Even if it has multiplayer lightsaber. I'd just rather wait. But that's my opinion.


I would say that's pretty much bull. :) If it's a single player demo, they would have to include the light saber. It's the selling point of the game, and a demo is a concentrated version of what the game is all about.


They wouldn't be able to afford leaving out the light saber, IMHO.

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Originally posted by Eternity


I would say that's pretty much bull. :) If it's a single player demo, they would have to include the light saber. It's the selling point of the game, and a demo is a concentrated version of what the game is all about.


They wouldn't be able to afford leaving out the light saber, IMHO.


How many times have you seen a SP demo that was from the second half of a game? That's what I thought. Like I said, you'd get your lightsaber demo action from multiplayer demos.

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Actually, I don't think demos ruin anything. I played the JK demo for about a month and then went out and bought the game. There were still plenty of suprises, and I went on to play that game for a LONG time.


As for a SP demo, it shouldn't be a level directly out of the game, just one thats been created for showing stuff off while keeping suprises for the actual game.

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Originally posted by Broode

As for a SP demo, it shouldn't be a level directly out of the game, just one thats been created for showing stuff off while keeping suprises for the actual game.


In a perfect world. But that is extremely rare. Only one case of that comes to mind: Thief 2. That demo was a variation of one of the full levels. Both Raven and LEC have never released an exclusive level as a demo.

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