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The "Stay on Topic" topic.


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okay, so whenever someone starts a topic, sooner or later, people start talking about things that aren't even about what the topic was meant to be about. so i wan't to see how long this topic can stay on the topic i'm going to start, which is easy for most of you considering this topic is about cheese. okay, start.

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Originally posted by Legolas T.

OK im wiv ya, but only for the sake of just .....cheese. Who the heck started that anyway, must be someone really popular, cos u cant go anywhere on this forum without someone talking aboub friggin cheese! Sorry, cheese rles.


actually that was started by robin johnson. at the end of all of hius polls he would put "i like cheese" as a joke, adn that started the whole cheese craze. but i think i'm going to stop it now because it's just boring now.

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