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NO DEMO ON FRIDAY !!! Definetly


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From Vagabond: That rudness was uncalled for, Silent Wolf. In the future, please refrain. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


* * * * *


As for the info, no one ever actually confirmed there was a demo friday so no loss off my back :rolleyes:


*turns his lightsaber on*

*admires the glow*

*turns it off*

ahh hell back to work :explode:

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You guys are free to talk about anything you'd like. All we expect is that you keep it clean and friendly. That's not too much to ask. Being rude, offensive, and hurtful to others is only going to get your posts edited or deleted. And if you keep it up, you may find yourself banned. That rarely if ever happens though because most of our members appreciate the friendly atmosphere in our forums, and set a good example for newcomers.


In any event, please carry on.

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^^^ in response to CaptainRave's post^^^


If they decide to throw in a demo, the waiting time towards the release of the full game will be much shorter then that we have no demo at all.


What i mean is that we get our minds occupied while we play the demo, and maybe then they release the game 2 or 3 days later but in that time we still play the demo.


You know what i mean.


But off-course, its everybody's oppnion, but i just had to reply on this.

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Neonix

What i mean is that we get our minds occupied while we play the demo, and maybe then they release the game 2 or 3 days later but in that time we still play the demo.


A demo will delay the game by weeks rather than days.

Besides, I've grown a bit tired of starting every other game I play with extensive pre-knowledge that spoils a large part of the 'freshness' of the content on offer.

I say finish the full game up first and release the demo later.

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