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Outcast on the Zone(2/28/02)

Guest Obi

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well, hopefully the zone uses some sort of dedicated server browser instead of providing match making. dedicated server = better than player hosted servers.


in fact im going to have a saber only server running off my 1.1/1.1 sdsl line for sure the second i get the game(as long as it has linux dedicated server support that is).


god i hope the zone has a dedicated server browser. the chat rooms help provide a central community which is always good. but damn player hosted games to the depths of hell!

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<font color=cbcbff> Yeah, make me feel even better about myself, TheOne. There you go. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and poor lemon juice in it.

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Jedi Outcast Pick-Ups



No Jedi can be victorious without a little help. The following items will heal you, defend you, and some will even fight for you. Pick them up whenever you find them! All items regenerate after a period of time, and they will always reappear in the same place. Memorize where these items are so you know where to go when you need them most.


Medpacs need no explanation. Run over them when you need to replenish your health.


These canisters of blue liquid also replenish your health. They are harder to find, but will give you a bigger boost of health compared to Medpacs.


For a little backup, pick up this ball-shaped attack drone. It floats over your shoulder and fires at any attacker your fire at, adding its damaging beam to your own firepower.


Running over a Sentry pick-up deploys a stationary gun platform for a limited period of time. The guns blast anyone within its range, except for the player who deployed it.

Stationary Shield

If some lowdown dirty Jedi is shooting you in the back as you are desperately trying to flee, a Stationary Shield pick-up will help cover your escape by firing up a deflection shield between you and your attacker. It won't move with you, but it could provide the extra seconds you need to get away. P

ersonal Shield

Picking up Personal Shields will give you protection against projectile weapons and lightsaber attacks. Beware of precipices and Jedi-flung boxes because the shields will not protect you against falling or crushing objects. Your health meter also has a green shield meter. When both rows of the meter are lit up, you are a happy Jedi.

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Originally posted by SaberPro

I hope that Zone.com doesn't lag like it does when I was playing JK I couple of years ago...


Will GameSpy support JKII?

im all but 100% sure gamespy will support jko. as will the all seeing eye. there will also be an in game server browser.
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JR2: LOL! :p


Somebody really should email the staff at the zone.....they probably dont realize what they've done....(WRECKED EVEYTHING)!!....lol....seriously though they probably dont know


You're telling me you want that deleted? Whoa, Captain Rave, know when you got a leg up, man! Of course it didn't ruin everything, it's simply a list of game modes, force powers, and weapons that we all knew before. I didn't see one bit of information that I didn't already know.


If it was supposed to be 'top secret' like some of you think, they wouldn't put it online.


Take good news when it comes to you, this is a good harbringer of things to come!! :)

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Welcome: Walker of the Sky to the jk2.net forums, I hope you have a nice stay and you should soon be getting those nice little chocolate medallions. :D



Now for my comment on this Topic:


Wow, I can't believe JK2 will be availiable throughout so many different places! (ie: zone, gamespy and that ingame browser)


Only problem is, lots of gamers will be split-up, so how will there be proper organization of tournaments... etc...??


Any thoughts on that?


Cheers ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Holy Sith, that is some detailed in-your-face information. Leave it to the Zone to mess something up and drop the ball. Some of the things listed there I was hoping to discover in the game as unexpected surprises. Oh well!


Sentry guns! Kick ass! It is so awesome to be able to add an item like that to the game world. Sounds a little like sweet, sweet TFC.



Running over a Sentry pick-up deploys a stationary gun platform for a limited period of time. The guns blast anyone within its range, except for the player who deployed it.




For a little backup, pick up this ball-shaped attack drone. It floats over your shoulder and fires at any attacker your fire at, adding its damaging beam to your own firepower.




Stationary Shield

If some lowdown dirty Jedi is shooting you in the back as you are desperately trying to flee, a Stationary Shield pick-up will help cover your escape by firing up a deflection shield between you and your attacker. It won't move with you, but it could provide the extra seconds you need to get away.


Wow on all accounts. Could this also intefere with a Jedi and his fancy force speed? Buhaha. Roadblock? With this and tripmines Jedi aren't going to have it so easy against a NFer. :)

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just to clear things up for those possibly confused out there.


gamespy, the all seeing eye, kali, and the in game browser all show the same games. these games are reported to a central server and thats how they are 'browsed'.


the zone, if they stick to their usualy protocol, only shows player hosted games that were created on the zone.


so the zone is the weakest link here.


tournaments, ladders, and leagues in my experience. are beest when the zone is not involved. there are quite a few great ladders/leagues out there. i suggest you join one.

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Thanks to Obi and his friend...


Zone has got all the info about the force powers and the weapons not to mention items and LECs Outcast page has not

even completed updating the weapons and force powers section.





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Wow on all accounts. Could this also intefere with a Jedi and his fancy force speed? Buhaha. Roadblock? With this and tripmines Jedi aren't going to have it so easy against a NFer. :)


that was thing in JK FF.. you cut off one area, and they could beat you to the area you're heading too via force jump/speed combos..

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