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sw:GB expansion chat here


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Awsome! Don't forget the team bonus info. What i'm wondering is how they could make At-Ats better? Anti-Air? Rapid fire? Superior firepower?


I also hope that the new upgrades for the naboo will make them more appealing. Also they said unique strengths for the new episode II civs. That i hope will stop the arguement over the fact if the Republic will be to similar to the Empire and the Confederacy to similar to the Rebelion.


This expansion is going to rock!



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Guest PhantomMenace

Booo!!! Doesnt sound like too much here except for the new aircruiser. The power droid sounds dumb; why do you need a moving power core??? once you put a power core down somewhere you dont want to move it somewhere else and leave the buldings without power!!! All this effort they puttin into these dumb new units they coulda just went and made a whole new civ like these chiss...with guys called dark acoloytes that sounds very promising! I could see that being a kick ass civ with a nasty mage like special unit. But no; they gonna make walking powercores and an another alphabet wing to the rebel alliance; big deal! As you can see he's pushing for a may release right around the movie release which further reinforces my theory that they just trying to get some "clones software" onto the market when clone-o-mania will be off the charts!! And we the players are left with a rushed over game that will be shallow and lacking and new enhancements to be really called an expansion pak cuz what an expansion pak does it expand on the current game. This should be called an addend pack cuz all its gonna do is add a red map; and a flying trubechet. And by the way; isnt walker research already available?? Doesnt it just reduce the minimum range of at-at's so it can shoot stuff that's kinda close? How does this make AT-AT's kick ass and besides i thought the point of not having th AT-AT's be the supreme unit was balance; so they gonna go and unbalance a game they say they spent all that time balancing in this Addend Pack??:confused:

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Guest PhantomMenace

BWAAAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!:D Okay if they delete my post then they gotta go back and delete every single post that was derogatory or negative in any way towards the game!

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Guest PhantomMenace

Ah i see you are obviously trying to make it look like i am against the game and kick me off but if you've had your eyes open for even a second you'd know that there have been more people than me to criticize the game. I know its a dangerous idea but work with it. And if for some reason you are able to suck enough **** and get the mods mad at me then the moderators can go through all my previous posts and see that i have done nothing but stand up for the game and make positive suggestions and feedback on this forum. Only thing is that im disappointed by what i see so far in the xpack and i know that those guys can do better; look at what they have pulled off already. So enough with your acusations!:cool:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I'm not going to remove the post. Although I do very much enjoy playing SWGB - it is far from perfect and Lucasarts seem to know this.


A few bugs, poor AI to add a few ideas of things they will hopefully fix. I do disagree with some of the Phantom Menaces comments about the X-Pack.


I think EVERYONE will want the X-Pack, especially after the film has been released - creating new maps - clones and alot more. One thing I would like to see would be the AT-AT walkers actually fire at air units without the need for AA units getting under the walkers feet who try to tip-toe around them.



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Guest PhantomMenace

Why would you consider deleting it in the first place? this is a regular old valid complaint just like everyone else has been posting and mind you that the one i just made is probably nicer and more constructive than most anti-swgb or anti-"using the genie engine" posts. the fact that you gave it some thought shows a lack of character on your part as a moderator. A moderator is a neutral mediator that keeps the boards moving and keeps thing fair and clean. I have obviously done nothing wrong but this jackass comes on here and starts raisng hell and it "summons" you on and you start giving a mediocre complaint thoughts on deletion..tisk tisk. Yeah this is your boards but who cares. There are matching boards on the same topic on other websites and im not gonna hold my tongue on stuff just cuz im afraid some idiot is gonna wander onto the boards and start acusing me of murder when all i did is make a complaint. LOL LOL LOL!:cool:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sometimes with the Language difference between England and the country across the great big pond, 'cussing' words mean different things.


Anyway, as of today, Phantom Menace has been banned for being a naughty person.



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Guest Supreme Warlord

COOL the chiss?! I am a chiss type of a guy. Man hey here is a spoiler alert----------SPOILER ALERT-------------















In the new book of star wars, the Dark Journey. They are involving the chiss more. Now they are releasing scouts to check the Vong out. Sooooo I think the Chiss may become part of the war. If so that will be awesome because back then in the older book. Admiral Parck said that the Chiss are just a lot alike Grand Admiral Thrawn with his mind and everything. So I think they will be a critical factor in winning the war against the Vong. Beside it would just be AWESOME to see more Grand Admiral Thrawn like character popping up again and whooping them out with thier super genious tactical abilities.:D GO CHISS KICK THE VONG BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Supreme Warlord

To tell you the truth it would be very hard to add the chiss race because they excel in commanding. I am not sure about how they fare in miltary strenght sooooo it would be hard to make the person playing the chiss race to be able to like Grand Admiral Thrawn.....:)

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