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Gamespot UK

Heal: In its most basic form, adds a few extra health points – the payoff being that you have to remain stationary. At its best it will boost you to full health even during combat.


Duration Immediate


Effect Heals damage from all attacks


Level 1 Regain 10 health


Level 2 Regain 25 health


Level 3 Regain 50 health


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Hmmm... that seems pretty sad - I think in JK using 4 stars on heal would completely boost your health up to 100(%).


actually, each star allocated to heal would let you heal 20 health points


1 star - heal 20

2 stars - heal 40

3 stars - heal 60

4 stars - heal 80


you were close :)

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I dont see how Gamespot UK could be totally wrong on such a big detail.. I mean, yea I believe the zone and everything since its the closest thing to a word from the head developers on JKII, but why/how would Gamespot botch a preview like that if they are wrong?

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they shouldnt tone down the sabres, i doubt you could survive more than two attacks from a sabre... they should just tone up the blocking :D


also, how about healing others, like in SBX, it would be kinda cool to heal jan on a mission, so she didnt die on you...

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It could be that both accounts are right, and we need to account for the discrepency between SP and MP. Reviewers do tend to focus on Single Player, and the Zone would be concerned exclusively with Multiplayer.


For example, we know that in Single Player Force Speed will function completely differently than it will in Multiplayer (slow motion vs. incredible speed).


You could of course argue that one or both sources were working with an early build when they compiled the information and that some of it has likely changed.

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