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What Critters if any.....


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I liked the Kell Dragon in Dark Forces. It added a lot of challenge, but we won't be able to have levels like Jabba's Palace, because no fists. :( BUT, maybe there is a totally unarmed state, like in MOHAA when you holster your weapon, so you could run around with no weapons, then find a stun baton or something. And I liked Jar Jar in Ep 1.

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I really hope Kell Dragons make a return... They were another unique thing that was in Dark Forces, and Jedi Knight, that I hope doesn't get passed over....


Also, I'd much rather see Kell Dragons then Rancors any day... I hope there isn't another rancor battle...


There really needs to be some kind of creatures in the SP game to make it interesting. Dark Forces made it seem fairly believeable with the ammount of creatures in it. But that was only because there weren't any out doors areas. While Jedi Knight, even though it had several out doors areas was severly lacking in it's critters department... No need to explain why. MotS didn much, much better in that regard. There's ysalmari, dart flowers, dianogas, swamp wampas, ambient sounds... such as birds, malocs (even though they were in JK). It made the levels seem alot mroe alive...


However, I do not believe JO will have many critters in it... maybe even less then JK. This is mainly due to the fact of what the UK gamer review said, whcih was something like: "there aren't really many skins in the game, and even the ones that do appear, appear to scarcely. There's a rediculas ammount of Rodians, GRans, Stormtroopers, reborns and imperial officers, but not much of anything else, which is a crieing shame really." Ok, those aren't the exact words, but that's about as much as I could remember. But my point is, since the reviewers are noticing this it'll probably be fairly true.


However, maybe Raven wasn't done making all of the skins when UK gamer previewed it, so it still may be proved untrue, but I'll just wait and see untill the game comes out...

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I don't remember wookies been mentioned in any preview so far; of course I haven't had a chance to read those older PC Gamer US issues or see their "exclusive" screenshots. In the comics there appears to be some wookie bounty hunters and criminals here and there though, so they would make awesome addition to non-imperial enemies. :D What comes to creatures, we have already seen this concept:


Probably one of the swamp creatures.

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Vorknskrs (how do you spell it!!!) might be in the game, and anyone remember dianogas? Used to scare the crap outa me in DF when they'd surface on lvl 2. :( I'd like to see more non-mission specific ppl running around, like NPCs and critters. It will give the game a more 'realistic' feel, at least as realistic as you can get in Star Wars

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Originally posted by simon says

I'd like to see more non-mission specific ppl running around, like NPCs and critters. It will give the game a more 'realistic' feel, at least as realistic as you can get in Star Wars


I totally agree with you there. I just played through Unreal again...and having things like Nali rabbits and cows, flies and birds buzzing around and schools of fish really lends more atmosphere to the game. They are not simply nasty enemies out for your blood. It's a similar thing with Rune (which I'm playing at the moment), where the underwater levels and caverns have fish, jellyfish...and BIG fish, along with giant flying insects that don't really bother you... They are there simply to add atmosphere to the levels, to bring them alive, and they work surprisingly well.


I don't see a problem with bringing back a Rancor either...if it is as tough, and lumbering, as the Titans in Unreal...with a big enough space with few hiding places to run around in... :D I don't think the Rancor was done very well in MotS, so a high-poly beast with a truly earth-shaking gait would be something to behold! ;)


I'm not so worried about seeing dianoga, vornskrs, mailocs, water cycs, etc., because we've seen them all before. I'd like to see some new stuff in there...some fast, sleek predators underwater, and some beasts that aren't just enemies to defeat on land.


Of course...it's a bit late wishing for these things now. We'll just have to wait and see what the game actually contains...

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

Sorry, CaptainRAVE, but you better watch that trailer once again. Its a Gran who "gets vaporised by the disruptor type gun with the zoom scope", not a Wookie. I though first that you have read it from somewhere...


The one at time index 0:40??

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You want something sleek and fast and underwater? Bring in that Half-Life fish. But if they put something like that in the game I swear I will have a heart attack and come after them with the game box and beat them over the head with it (all of this WHILE I'm having the heart attack, mind you). That fish scared the hell out of me.



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