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Shiny Awards :D


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Well I won a shiny award today! I was at the "Southern Arizona Language Fair" where you learn about foreign languages and stuff.. There were also competitive preformances by reciting Poetry/A Song in a certain language..


Anywho I did the "Lumberjack Song" from Monty Python in Sign Language, and I won an award for doing good! Aren't I special? :D

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Artoo is on A quiz bowl team...Jr High. I'm on Sr. High Quiz Bowl.


We originally thought that we would suck when we kept losing at the begining and Artoo's team was wipping the poodoo out of their oponnents...then last week we got runner up at a tourny and this week we pulled off a #1 at regionals.:D

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I heard so that news from Ferrerensan. Good luck at state Fergie and good job Clefo and Tie. We do need a thread just so people can tell what they accomplished if they feel proud enough to say what they accomplished.

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