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Toybox Unit Wish List


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Post here what units you'd like to see in the toybox!


Controllable Jawas

A Jedi Jawa with gray robes and blue lightsaber (named Eets) :D

The Jedi Council, Episode I and Episode II

Slave I

Twi'leks - any of em

Salacious Crumb

Sy Snootles

Joh Yowza

Max Rebo

Ulic Qel Droma


Exar Kun

Luke's speeder (transport)

Sandcrawler (transport)

Flyable Sith Interceptor

Sam and Max :D

A pyramid and/or box shaped holocron


A Chiss Dark Jedi (with two sabers, possibly named Ma'gee Turos) :D

Any Mon Cal (including ackbar)

Sith Probe Droid

Pod Racer

R5D4 or other astromech models

Sebulba or any other dug








More tatooine buildings



And that's all I can think of for right now!

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To add to you're list:

Dash Rendar


Prince Xizor

Star Destroyers (The size of a Monument)

TF Control Ship (The size of a Monument)


Shmi Skywalker

Padme Naberrie

Senator/Chancellor Palpatine

Mace Windu

Jabba (Which I already heard he will be)

Luke Skywalker (With a laser blaster)

Controlable Trade Federation Landers

Landed Millenium Falcon

Landed Outrider

Controllable Emperial Shuttle

Jango Fett/Boba Fett with flying Jetpack abilities.



How about some buildings/other stuff for eyecandy like a Sarlacc Pit or the Death Star dome thing that shoots that super laser (Have it so it can match over a Death Star terrain).


Also, how about more cliff designs or walls? It'd be nice to have a Death Star trench wall, an invisible "ultimate" wall that stops even air units, and possibly an ice wall like in Echo Base. Have more indoor eyecandy like chairs, tables, computers, equipment, crates and walls. Also have more space eyecandy like planets, asteroids and the Death Star, all from a distance view.

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The list goes on...


Controllable Lambda Class Shuttle

Non Controllable Gaia buildings and units - for city scapes and such

Luke in flightsuit

Jabba's Sail Barge



I second the motion for:

Sarlacc Pit

Landed Millenium Falcon

Jedi Council Members


Shmi Skywalker

Padme Naberrie

Senator/Chancellor Palpatine

Slave I

Twi'leks - any of em

Salacious Crumb

Sy Snootles

Max Rebo

Ulic Qel Droma


Exar Kun

Luke's speeder (transport)

Flyable Sith Interceptor

A pyramid and/or box shaped holocron


Any Mon Cal (including ackbar)

Sith Probe Droid

Pod Racer - ALL OF THEM w/ Arena

R5D4 or other astromech models

Sebulba or any other dug

Snowtrooper - Definetly a MUST!


More tatooine buildings - Oh Yeah!


These aren't bad ideas either from Vampire Slayer:


Also, how about more cliff designs or walls? It'd be nice to have a Death Star trench wall, an invisible "ultimate" wall that stops even air units, and possibly an ice wall like in Echo Base. Have more indoor eyecandy like chairs, tables, computers, equipment, crates and walls. Also have more space eyecandy like planets, asteroids and the Death Star, all from a distance view.

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and if they add Kyle Katarn they gotta add:


The Moldy Crow


Vornskrs would ROCK!


Ysalimaari could generate an area that any units within that area cannot be turned, nor can Masters be "cloaked" in that area.


Talon Karrde

Jan Orrs

Joruus C'Boath

Young Bobba Fett

Female Tusken Raiders

Tusken Raider children

Anakin's Hot Rod

How about Just plain alien "civilians" (gaia) for cities and villages or spaceports

For example:











gonk droids

protocol droids


Jawas (of the Non-violent persuasion)


Just make them non descript and ordinary so that they are

not confused with any of the playable civs' units and neutral

so that they do not change posession and do not attack

players (like the Turken raiders and Jawas do now)

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A great Watto exists already (here), so the list can be shortened by one. And I've almost finished Jabba, the Sarlacc, a skiff, and 5 pod racers (none very high quality, but better than nothing). Only a few hundred left :)


But it'd be nice for mods to be entirely new units, not just replacements of existing ones -- if anyone with knowledge of how to decrypt genie.dat is reading this, I'd be very interested to learn ;)

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

You can make citizens for your town right now!


Just set the triggers so they patrol the town, and set that player to be your ally ;)


That may be the case, but the real point I was making was that we needed more "Alien" civilian type units for cities and towns:


AKA: unarmed, plain, nondescript aliens like defels, duros, chiss, Ithorians, wookies, Barabels, Kuzbots, Devorians, Verpine, Twileks, Mon Calamari, Quarren, jawas, humans etc...


But thanks for the tip, I can use what little units there are ;)

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Beautiful Lists, Oh, beautiful lists, Oh, when shalt thoust dearest come true.............<Hark>


:Eet's you got any pull to get these lists looked at?? Bein' a Modul and all? Jus wonderin'

Since we're listin' 'em all

how's about

:More selection of Imperial Uniformed Officers-Grand Moffs, Moffs, Grand Admirals, Admirals, Marshals, Generals, Commodores, Colonels, Captains, Commanders, Lieutenants, Sergeants, and those black officer uniforms too!!!!! All my men look like clones from Col. Veer's honeymoon, unless I want a Cartoon picture of a big bad Moff Dork. Anyway GIVE USE MORE UNIFORMS....PLEASE.

:Controllable Sandpeople, Jawas, Wampas, Rancors, and a few more-to aid OUR customized storyline's realism.

:Massassi Warriors out of the Gundark design (would be simple)

:Jabba is a MUST, but after 15 min. we're gonna all wonder where are the Gammorean guards?

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:Let us change the names of units yet to be created, by adding a 'Select Area' option along with the 'Select Objects' option.

:Hell, just give us an Editor so we can change and apply the btmp's ourselves. Like Rebellion had. Make it complete, make it official, make it Star Wars.

:MORE Gaia Other units, like mountains (Mt ranges look too repetative), overbrush, trees (in various sizes), color of water (not all bays, rivers, and oceans, are beautiful blue), birds, misc. animals to frolic about, wider selection of rocks, BROWN Cliffs to go with the Grey, Broken Roads, more food bushes/trees, tall grass/weeds, A LARGER Variety of misc. buildings for cities not located on Bespin or Naboo!!!!!

--Man in one swift stroke they could make this game into a god by adding the obvious additional characters, units, species civ's, wild life, plant life, planetary terrain, and so on. I so wish they would.




Naga Sadow

Freedon Nadd (Doesn't look right as Vader)


Marka Ragnos

Cloned Emperor Palpatine

Master Arca Jeth

Master Vodo-Siosk Baas

Master Thon

Tott Doneeta

Cay Qel-Droma

Nomi Sunrider

Ludo Kressh

Carnor Jax

Kir Kanos

Darth Bane

Dark Lord Kaan

Lord Kueller

Lord Hethrir


Dorsk 81




Leia Organa-Solo (w/lightsaber)

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (Black suit)

Master Luke Skywalker

Kyp Durron

Dark Jedi Adalric Brandl

Dark Jedi Durrei

Dark Lord Kaan

Dark Jedi Nikkos Tyris

Satel Keto


King Ommin/Queen Amanoa

Master Ood

Master Odan-Urr

Master Polvin Nut

Master Djinn Altis

Master Vulatan

Master Dominus

Oss Wilum

Eeth Koth

Qrrl Toq

Corran Horn

Quinlan Vos

Aayla Secura

Plo Koon

Master Sidrona Diath

Dace Diath

Jedi Lord Hoth


Sharad Hett

A'Sharad Hett

Shoaneb Culu

Master Tiin

Master Nejaa Halcyon

Ashka Boda

Kyle Katarn



4 Lom


Bib Fortuna

Talon Karrde

Momaw Nadon

Mako Spince

Lando Calrissian (in Jabba's Palace Disguise) <-Huge Hit

Mara Jade ( W/ LIGHTSABER !!!!!)

Captain Pellaeon

Admiral Daala

Executor Sedriss

Baron Soontir Fel

Baron D'Asta

Han Solo (IN CARBONITE---NOT Gen.Dadonna)

Grand Moff Tarkin

Grand Moff Hissa

Moff Par Lankin

Moff Leonia Tavira

Moff Kentor Sarne

Grand Admiral Thrawn (must repeat)

Sate Prestage

Warlord (or Admiral) Zsinj

Ysanne Isard

Admiral Harrsk

Governor Foga Brill

Governor Furgan

Governor Lord Cuvir

Governor Bin Essada

Governor Amel Bakli

Governor Nardix

Grand Inquisitor Lord Tobin

High Inquisitor Tremayne

Air Marshal Von Asch

Overlord Ghorin


Moruth Doole

Moff Par Lankin

Kirtan Loor

Gaia unit- Kessel spice spider


just to name a few

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish to see many jedi knights in the scenario editor from episode 2




members of jedi council.


Aayla Secura - Jedi Padawan


Barriss Offee - Jedi Padawan


Kit Fisto - Jedi Knight


Anakin skywalker with two light sabers




Dormé - Senator Padme's Handmaiden


and a lot more jedis that we don't know yet..........

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I would love to see more units from Star Wars video games. Getting the Dark Trooper was great, but what's a Dark Trooper without Kyle Katarn?


And while we're talking Dark Forces games . . how 'bout. . .


Shadowtroopers and Reborn from Jedi Outcast?

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To carry on from that post a couple up, I think we should have different types of Jedi.


Eg: All the Jedi/Sith look the same, cant you guys make maybe 3-4 different kinds of Jedi/Sith for each civ? And I mean 3-4 for padawans, 3-4 for Knights, and 3-4 for masters. That is one of the main things I didnt like.


Then, also, I dont think you guys should add too much, if any EU units/people. The game is supposed to be about the Star Wars movies type Star Wars. The kind EVERYBODY knows.


But, DO add many, perhaps 50-100 different extra units and buildings for the toybox. As I said, try to keep them general characters, that most people would know/know of.


No super weapons though, maybe just 1 or 2, for use in single player campiagns, but nowhere else, they would unbalance the game mechanics.


Thank you.

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I think they should have Superweapons optional. I'd love super weapons. To add to your list:



Reguler Corellian freighters not modified. YT-1300 etc. etc.

Rebel Blockade Runner.

Floating gas mining platforms, hovering buildings.

Yuuzhan Vong:D

Pilot droids (TF)

Guard Droids (TF)

Captain Droids (TF)



And for terrain and buildings:


When in snow terrain, buildings should look like they have some snow on.

Blue kind of desert terrain.



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Gavyn Sykes in N1

Gavyn Sykes in Flash Speeder

Captain Kael in N1

Vedd Deviss in N1

Borvo the Hutt's starship

Kol Kotha in Mercanary Fighter

Adela Tyche in Mercanary Fighter

Controllable Sith Infiltrator

Quagga in AAT

Heavy STAPs (the proper ones)

Wade Vox in Landspeeder

Luke Skywalker (farmboy)

Aurra Sing on Swoop

Malakili on Racor

Brenn Tantor



Beri Tulon

Tyr Taskeen


Rusty Eagle

Fixed Artillery


TF Gunboats

Naboo Police Cruisers

Palmer in N1

Naboo civillian (male and female)

Captain Kael in Flash Speeder

Kol Kotha in Flash Speeder

Arden Lyn



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yahooooo! More:


Jan Ors


Ace Azzameen

Ysalimiri TROOPERS



Mara Jade w/Lightsaber






Yoda w/lightsaber

Corran Horn

Mirax Terrik





Darth Sidious with his OWN picture


Jacen Solo

Jaina Solo

Anakin Solo

Luke Farmboy

Luke's speeder


Rebel pilots

Rogue Squadron

Voss Parck

General Lando

Wedge Antilles's X-Wing

YT-2000 Freightor Otana

Baron Soontir Fel

Jagged Fel

Syal Antilles



Shedao Shai

Deign Lian

Hal Horn

Crix Madine

Carlist Riekkan

Admiral Ackbar


Shirtless Maul/ Sith training Maul

Tycho Celchu

Nrin Vakil


And more stuff from Mike Stackpole's and Timothy Zahn's work. :D

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We in Sweden are missing following.

TIE crawler

TF landtransport (you could actually sight them in episode 1)

TF Worker droid (as they looked like in the movie)

GE juggernaut

those Rebellian (big ships) you could see in episode 6

Rune haakon

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