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Outcast Developers plz read( XBOX)


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Jedi Knight use to be my favorite game of all time up until the experience of Halo on the XBOX. Halo's single player game is not as good as Jedi Knight, however multiplayer (ie. playing with all my friends in the same room) is a dream and unbelievably fun. I never played JK mult. for various reasons(internet $, access, speed, lag, computer setup etc..). Please consider just porting this for the XBOX so people can easily play mulitplayer with their friends(jedi vs jedi) in the living room.


I bet you'd make more money on the game than Halo is making for the Xbox right now. How hard would it be? Remedy converted max payne for the xbox in 2 weeks. Why not?


Hell, hand the port over to me and I'll do it (I have a bachelor's in Computer Science etc...) I'm sure you could easily find a team to do it and Microsoft would be very interested.


I'd even rather play this than Knights of the Old Republic(or an X-wing game(i've played them all) and I love role-playing games.

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You stole our beloved obiwan -__-; you cannot take our jk2!!! You cant have both!!!! Really though they said it was for pc above all, i highly doubt they'll port this to xbox.. sorry (not really, stole our obiwan! :p )**goes off grumbling and mumbling**:evanpiel:

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Guest Krayt Tion

I would thumbs down the X-Box port only until after any JO expansions come out for the PC, BUT, you shall not leave here empty handed:


*hands darren a Delux Obi-Wan Thermos*

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Yeah I don't think the Xbox "stole" obi-wan. I have a athlon xp 1600 computer with a Gforce 3 so I can play JK2 if I want, I would much rather play multiplayer with my friends that's what it's all about for me. An xbox LAN setup is very feasible and inexpensive. I've had 30 people in the room watching my friends and I play HALO multiplayer we play it everyday and they don't even play other video games that much at all. I even have alot of girlfriends(I live in university off-campus housing ) come over an play it.


It's not an issue of PC versus Xbox. I hope everybody gets it.


BTW. Obi-wan doesn't look great, but it's fun as hell.


List of Star Wars games that I've played that I can remember: X-Wing(way back in the day), Tie Fighter, (plus addons), X-Wing Alliance, Rogue Squadron, Rogue Leader(my friends gamecube- don't really care for it or the original RS), Star Wars: Galatic Battlegrounds, Obi-Wan, Star Wars Arcade(model 3 version), Star Wars triology on the SNES, SW: Racer(dreamcast), SW: TPM(computer), Jedi Power Battles(dreamcast), Dark Forces, and last of all but First place in my heart Jedi Knight- I am both a die hard video game and star wars fan.


I'm so sick and tired of PC versus console etc.. bias


Developers: don't listen to any of those type of people because they sure as hell don't represent a large population of people, they're just way more outspoken.


Why anyone should be upset or why it would bother any exclusive PC, Anti-xbox(microsoft) fans that someone like me would want JK2 to come out for the Xbox is something I find hard to relate to.


Halo has already sold 800,000+ copies!




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I totally disagree.


Firstoff Halos single player game IS better then the original JK. On the downside, its not star wars. If JK2 is better then Halo needs to be seen.


And MP on a PC with key and mouse beats playing Halo MP with that crappy controler anyday. Sorry.


Im sure down the road LA will do a xbox port but all the whining wont help for now. If you want to play JK2 by the end of march, you will need a pc.


The end.

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I totally agree with the biased thing. oh, the xbox controller was made for big hands (which i have :D ). unlike the gamecube which HURTS my hands, i couldn't even enjoy rogue leader demo...japanese controller people were thinking of themselves when they made it...

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Buzz I respectfully disagree with your statement about PC multi. versus Xbox console multi here's why: 1)The control scheme for the console takes a learning curve just like the computer(though I agree I still prefer the computer, but not by so so much), 2)It's painful to setup computer multiplayer for a bunch of friends 3)Computer multi. games over the internet still have ping lag problems(I play over cable and dsl setups) that are non existent on LAN setups ,but LAN computer setups are unpracticle for living room whereas console seutps are as feasible as all get out 4)I personally, in my opinion love playing against MY FRIENDS and OTHERS in the SAME ROOM. for various reasons(high fives, easy to interact with people, competition, show off for people watching, etc..)




I've mentioned playing jedi MP to my friends and they thought it would be way way fun.

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Welcome to the forums, darrenskywalker. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. ;)


I have absolutely no problem with PC games being ported to the X-Box...as long as the PC versions are released first, or at the same time, or are not 'dumbed down' to fit both platforms with a minimum of fuss. If you want to see JKII on an X-Box, that's fair enough, and your preference. ;)



What I really can't stand, however, is the fact that some games that were originally PC only, or slated for release on the PC first, have been pushed back, possibly indefinitely (because no one is giving out any information at all), so that the X-Box can show them off first. This is a sad (and frankly bullying) tactic used in an attempt to get more people to buy a console they don't want, in order to play games that they do...


Victims of this madness...



Buffy The Vampire Slayer

SW Knights Of The Old Republic

Any James Bond game (including TWINE)...they always end up as console titles. :rolleyes:


[/rant] ;)

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Stormhammer, I know what you mean about marketing(bullying?) tatics. I see where you're coming from as you were understanding my perspective from in my original post - It's all about the gaming experience.


If I hadn't bought an Xbox I myself would be upset about obi(I was following this game since it was first reported for the PC from that obscure E3 video) and knights etc..(though the knights situation is totally different being an issue of not competing with galaxies release time frame)


Thanks for the welcome, though I've been here browsing ever since it started, but never had anything to say until now.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Because the time they would spend porting would take away from time they could be working on an expansion for the PC. I'm being selfish.

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein is coming to the consoles, Soldier of Fortune did, as well as some of the Quake and Unreal games. I can imagine Jedi Outcast doing the same. Oh yeah, Doom, Dark Forces, Half-Life, and Rainbow Six came to some of the consoles, and so is Ghost Recon.

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A games manufacturer can/will do whatever to make a great game and sell them and make $ , the more the better they always think, so in that way we can't argue about it these guys have to make a living too.


But what i do think is that the game developers need to remain a certain level of loyalty to their gamers. i mean if a gamer gets a good game settled before him, for example JO doh, in this case it would be a beta or something, and the gamer says yaaay thats the game its awesome, then the manufacturer are given good advice and they say that they wil make the game for PC (or whatever console) and then after a while they decide to port it too but in order to do that they will have to delay the PC game for 4 months.


NOW THATS not completely FAIR, isn't it.


Dont know if this made sense but to hell with sense

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well... :) i've nothing against the XBOX. I think it's a wonderful console ;) (Project Ego just looks great). But i prefer playing PC games. Try playing SC2000 on a SNES... anyway, you argued about multiplayer games... I've been playing JK online since it first came out, and I've had no difficulties at all... and JKII uses Q3 multiplayer system (you all know what it means), so it's going to be a lot easier :)

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Bah...i dont care if PC games are ported to a console...as long as it comes out on the PC first...in other words i agree with stormhammer....i mean its kind of silly when you think about it...most if not all console games are developed on a PC in the first place...oh well....PC RULEZZZ!!! :D

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What I really can't stand, however, is the fact that some games that were originally PC only, or slated for release on the PC first, have been pushed back, possibly indefinitely (because no one is giving out any information at all), so that the X-Box can show them off first. This is a sad (and frankly bullying) tactic used in an attempt to get more people to buy a console they don't want, in order to play games that they do...


Could not agree more.


And yea, I mean... a console port is fine, if it doesn't effect the PC version in any way, BUT X-Box is no ordinary console. It is pure evil.


These exact tactics you are talking about, are what have made me feel so... and go from planning on buying one to making a vow to never do so. Snatching up Halo, New Legends, and trying to snatch up Deus Ex and Thief 3 (it remains to be seen what damage this has done to the PC versions, if we'll ever be able to know)


So, go 'head Raven, port JK2 to GameCube... PS2... just do not give it to X-Box, X-Box does not deserve it.


If I could snap my fingers and make every X-Box in the world blow up, I would do it in an instant.

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I won't mind if you go to the store buy any other console and raven port it to that BUT X-Box deserves Nothing, good console but it's console conscience it must know that evil is not a way to get people to buy it. And do you tihkn it oculd even handle JK2?

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