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To make the game more real yet....


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well in FPS the player carries upwards of a dosen weapons its seems in some games.


It would seem far more real if Kyle only carried his saber and maybe depending on the size 2 weapons at a time. if he wants another weapon he sahould have to drop one he is currently carrying.....

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I think it would be funny to see Kyle have all the guns clipped to his belt. So he is running around with 12 guns and a lightsaber around his waist.


I think it would cool to atleast see his lightsaber clipped to his belt...atleast. that would be cool, like luke. Just have a lightsaber.


but oh well, it really doesn't matter..it will look cool anyway...but i always wonder where he keeps his guns.

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I liked in SoF how when you saw that rocket launcher you wanted, you had to choose what to drop so you could carry it ... I think it is a reasonable approach for *that type of game* ...


I also liked in STV:EF how the weapons were in your 'transporter buffer' or whatever - I thought that was a clever way of dealing with having 9 guns you couldn't see.


Also in Elite Force, I liked how - even in the in-game cutscenes - you were shown with the weapon you had selected, rather than some default - I assume that will be the case in JK2. That ties things in much better than wastign some stormies, having a cutscene kick in, and going away blasting things with your Bryar ...

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I thought that everyone knew that Kyle's right leg was a near-hollow mechanical shell that supplied him with any given weapon he was carrying on demand... go figure.


Before someone acts all shocked and asks if that's true, I just made it up.

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Well, for one thing, they didn't positively say yet that we'd be able to carry all the guns at once.


And also, didn't Mike Gummelt inform us that dismemberment was not removed, and even add in(in a subtle cryptic way by adding that Darth Vader's head was cleaved off in Luke's vision) that we may also be able to cut off heads? If you can slash heads off, I'm sure bisecting a body would'nt be too much to ask.

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Methinks this topic has been debated before. :)


Personally, I'm all for a little bit more realism. Seeing your character in third person not carrying any weapons, and then switching through multiple weapons in your arsenal does not help you to suspend your disbelief, which is an important aspect of actually immersing yourself in a game and enjoying it all the more.


I too like SOF's method of limited your overall load...though to be fair, you got to carry quite a lot around with you anyway. I don't see the need to limit it to just a lightsaber and two other weapons, because that wouldn't make a great deal of sense, IMHO. I mean, for argument's sake, you could have...


1. A lightsaber clipped to your belt.

2. A stun Baton clipped to your belt.

3. A blaster riding on one hip.

4. A slightly larger weapon riding on your other hip.

5. Two longer weapons across your back.

6. A backpack for all your Thermal Dets, Det Packs, Ammo, Healthpacks, etc.

7. A weapon in your hand.


I count 7 weapons + the stuff in your backpack...and that doesn't seem like an unreasonable amount to carry. So, I don't see that kind of limit as being much of a problem. You don't get to carry all the available weapons in the game at the same time, but you're not left wanting either. Of course...the problem is actually seeing those items adorning your character, which I would have thought entirely possible using the GHOUL 2 tech. Just seeing a backpack on your character in 3rd person would help, so you at least have somewhere for items to go when not in use.


That kind of spit and polish and attention to small details might not have any impact on the game, but it might help a little in terms of immersion. Heh...I'd love to see Kyle tossing all his gear quickly to one side as he comes up against a really tough saber-wielding opponent...like Obi/Qui-Gon did in TPM with their robes then they met Maul... :)

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Remeber, in the first Dark Forces, Kyle has a bag with all his weapons in it. Remeber the level where you have to fight the Kell Dragons w/ your fists? That level you have to go get your backpack. Yet in the trailers in 3rdperson he doens't have a backpack. But whatever. Ghost Recon is aweesome.

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i wonder if u WILL b able 2 drop weapons....

it annoyedme cus in JK when i was dueling i would occasionally hit the mouse wheel and find my self holding a big nasty blaster but it comes in really handy in a fire fight 2 b able 2 change weapons qucikly so i didnt unbind it....

dropping all the firearms in a corner would come in dead handy be4 a sabre duel so u can pick them up later



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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

So if Kyle had seven weapons on him.. tell me... how would he be able to use any stealth what so ever? Everytime he'd make a step those guns and saber would hit each other and make quite a bit of noise.


Not necessarily. First off, if you're wearing some kind of padded webbing to carry that lot, the weapons may not need to make contact with each other (or anything else) at all. There are ways to dampen sound in case of a random contact.


Besides, I would argue that if you are going to use more stealth through a level that you would probably drop some weapons anyway, and just make sure all your other equipment is properly secured so it can't dangle and jangle. :)


A last resort would be the Mind Trick, of course. ;)

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In Elite Force the player carried a portable transport buffer that allowed him to store all his weapons in the form of data/energy, thus making it a simple task to carry a large number of weapons.


Anyhow, any BS excuse will do, this is a game, and about 99.9% of the stuff in it is not anywhere near realistic, so I say don't even bother going all out, especially with one based on Star Wars (we don't want another "Tresspasser" or "World War II Online" do we?).


Players with infinite lives, taking incredible damage before dying, not getting tired, being able to run and jump faster and father than humanly possible, being able go outside your body (chasecam), killing for no reason (deathmatch), and not being able to negotiate your way out of situations (how come you can only fight or run away?) and you can't use money to buy better weapons, and weapon balance is even unrealistic (some weapons are inherently better than others, and that's a fact).


Etc etc.. I could go on and on. Usually FPS games will call themselves "realistic" if one or two things are different from the norm... ie: headshots, heavier damage from injuries, slower movement, less amo strewn about. But in all other areas they are incredibly unrealistic (and that's fine).


Sadly I have to admit that Jedi do not exist. It is simply NOT POSSIBLE for humans to do the things that we see Jedi do routinely in the SW movies in real life. Thus, in the game, we don't need a reason why, only to do or die!


You could always argue that Kyle was really wearing a big trenchcoat (with armor and a shield generator underneath of course) with loads of pockets and a jumpsuit with compartments to hold everything.


I just like to think there's a guy in a cloaked pick-up truck (with silent engine) following you that carries all your gear for you, and tosses you what you need on command (through a tiny comlink Kyle wears). He has a camera as well, and this is actually what you're seeing when you go into third person mode). This same technology is used by the invisible Janitors that clean up the bodies and debris leftover from battles in JK.

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