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Are you afraid to die 2.0


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Guest xwing guy

Like I've said before, I'm not afraid to die. Sure I'll wouldn't like to die because there are still some things that I'd wanna do but I'm not afraid.

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Originally posted by xwing guy

but I'm not afraid.


You will be...you will be:yoda:

It really depends on what you have accomplished in life and you mental mindset...who knows what you would feel like if a car was running down the street and nailed you...you had 5 or 15 minutes before your lungs completely colapse and you die...you never really know until you come to that part...you may thing you aren't afraid, but once you get there...who knows...you may wet your pants in terror...


This really isn't a question any of us would like to face...I think most of us want to die of old age in their sleep...painless...

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Guest xwing guy
hey x-wing, like my new sig and stuff? i got rid of the confederate stuff..needed a change

Yeah I like it.:)


You will be...you will be

Maybe so but I'm not afraid now.

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Guest dr_death

to be dead sounds nice, for a long time i have wanted peace and peace can not be found in life.

i am truly afraid of life but not of death. I am very afraid of the concept of hell!!! most people in the world suffer badly!!! (to understand this you must think outside of your own country)

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Guest dr_death

alot of people say they know they are saved but do they???


if you are a christian then you would beleive in hell as the bible/jesus talked about it he also said how hard it is to get into heaven!


on a more philosophical note to the christians

jesus said "love your enemies"

my question is remembering that statement and remembering what love realy is do you think it is right to bomb taliban


edit:sorry to go off topic


should a person go to hell if he is bad? or should he go to heaven because he try his best to be good? (like hitler)

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Originally posted by dr_death


should a person go to hell if he is bad? or should he go to heaven because he try his best to be good? (like hitler)


He tried to be good did he? explain!!!

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Guest dr_death

hitler thought he was being just in his actions

hitler also said "who said i am not under the special protection of god"

he thought he was getting rid of the old and in with the new. in that respect he was trying to evolve mankind,

his thought he was a just and good man.

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Guest dr_death

do you think the quote i said is wrong????

hitler did beleive in god and he beleived he was doing the right thing.

if you dont want to except what i am saying then debate with me please dont flame me, i dont mean to cause any hate but i do always seek truth

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

If you deny the existence of Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour, he'll deny your existence when u die, and you'll go to hell. And u should follow his ways, such as love others, and do to them what u'd want them to do to you. something like that. hehe

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Sorry to say this but euh..... you think that murdering Jews, Americans, English, Dutch, French, Polans, Spanish, Italian and so on and so on, Is trying to be good?????? sorry... cant grasp that.


............ I WANT TO ADD A LOT MORE..... but im afraid... i go to far and start flaming people..... but i totaly DIS AGREE.

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Guest dr_death

wooooo, i dont think there is any good in that!!!!

however i think hitler thought there was!

there have been people in the past who thought they where gods ans who thought they couldet die!

there are mad men in the world but i think you are missing my point

i was basically asking why should someone go to heaven , because they do good or because they try to do good?

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Guest xwing guy

The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus and to do that you have to pray the sinners pray, which basically asks God to forgive you of your sins and make you a new person, but you have to do it with your heart not just speaking words then your saved and a Christian and you'll go to heaven. I would say more but I'm afraid that I too will go to far off and start flaming which I'm very good at.:D

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i am not afraid to die..........


i am afraid that my fammily my girlfreind and my freinds will die i dont care about myself that much...... i would die for my freinds family and girlfreind.......... I lost my best freind on Sept 11 it was the most horribal thing that ever happened to me and well i'm sure he would die for me.......... so well it's confuseing i am so sad........ i dont know what i can do to protect my fammily my girlfreind and my freinds i really dont know guys i need some help :(

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