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Which mod/SP Levels would you want created?


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I don't know about you guys, but i would want to see the storyline go on in different mods, like what happens after JK II (I know the game isn't here yet, but work with me ;) ), or before the game.


Say having levels with Kyle and Jan doing mercenary work.


That's IMO, what's yours? :D

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As soon as humanly possible after the release I'll be starting work on either a Crimson Empire or NJO mod, both of which will have new single and muliplayer options. The only problems that I can see are time problems.


I'd like to see an old republic/sith wars Mod (I'd do one but there are limits!) fighting jedi like Nomi Sunrider etc. as exar kun or Ulic Qel Droma would be cool.

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Great ideas!


Another mod/level I think would be sweet is to fight against Darth Maul BEFORE Episode I. Ya know, when he's learning from Darth Sidious and going on missions and stuff. I'd like to be the Jedi that try to fight and hunt down this 'mysterious' guy.


I dunno if I have this information right. :p I think I read somewhere that there is a book that's coming out (or already released) about Darth Maul and his missions before Episode I.

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How about a mime level. Just a big open field filled with mimes. It would be fun to stroll through it with my sabre a flyin'.


HAHA! Then they could really do that "walking against the wind" stuff when I use the force push! How about I make them do the "trapped in a box" with the force choke?!?! AHAHhahHAhAHhAHhAHhAHAHAHAHA... (sigh) ...sorry


I guess fighting Maul would be OK too. ;)

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More cool ideas, I have great hopes for the modding community!


I think I read somewhere that there is a book that's coming out (or already released) about Darth Maul and his missions before Episode I.


There is indeed a book (called shadow hunter) I think about Maul's first mission on coruscant. He has to recover details of the trade federation's blockade which have been leaked and smuggled out to the hero of the book.


I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a mod where you get to play maul (with the final fight with QG and OW not being a foregone conclusion?) but as has already been said the animations needed would have to be fantastic.

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If somebody makes a mod for JK2, I strongly hope it is like Counter-Strike.


Rebels vs Empire.


With different types of maps:


Assault: infiltrate a base and destroy something specific. (next round the teams switch side). Respawn (but you stay dead for a due time, like a wave (play Wolfenstein 3D multiplayer to understand)


Protect the Senator: Basicly VIP but instead a Senator. VIP must get to specific location. It would be cool to play. Next round the teams switch places (no respawn)


Plant a bomb: Basicly the tipical plant the bomb type of game like Counter-Strike. (no respawn)


any other ideas?


(I'll post the same in the Mod Central forum)

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Originally posted by TheJackal

If somebody makes a mod for JK2, I strongly hope it is like Counter-Strike.



*Ihatetheblind charges out with his batsaber in hand, but alas he is struck down in a hail of awp fire by Storm troopers with head shot scripts*


:( :( :( :(


Too much camping/cheating in cs, keep the mods fast paced IMO. :)

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Dark Force Rising

A few years later


Open to a small dull looking planet. Traveling in to learn it’s an old imperial dump station, various trash and useless materials litter the surface. Traveling along we come to a small band of imperials rummaging around.


An unseen voice comments that it is close by.


A couple men suddenly begin pulling something out from a scrap pile. A half of a metal like body bent up and scorched.


The men are ordered to return to the ship……..


On yavin a short while later it is learned of the plot to resurrect the DT project. Mara Jade is asked to find Kyle as he alone encountered these DTs.


Mara goes to Salun and after egine trouble put a couple miles away from the destineation she treks into Solun and begins asking around and learns Kyle hangs around a local bar a lot.


After searching through space ports and allies fighting off street thugs and what not she finds the bar. she enters and is confronted by a few of Kaerobanies thugs who happen to be looking for her anyway as there is bounty on here head still from the last incident.


Mara un armed is about to be attacked when blaster bolts zip from across the bar killing the four thugs… Kyle has saved her


Words are exchanged and then we are at Kyles home and Mara explains to Kyle the possible DT project being started again. Kyle at first has no interest as he left the Rebelion to lead quiet life.


After much talk Mara gets kyle to go back since he was the only human to see these things and new what they could do.


After a briefing on yavin Kyle learns of 6 huge plants being used to produce these DTs is massive numbers. And not only that but a New version may be in the works called a Supper DTX.


Kyle must and disable these plants. He will have some help from Mara and on some missions have a small band of soldiers with him.


Each plant is on a different planet, ranging from lush to desert. Each plant is guarded heavily by STs and by no less that 10 operational DTs. The plants are the same in structure yet getting into each requires a different rout as well as moving about to.


Kyle will face beasts and heavy guard posts along the way as he cant always drop in close to the plants to avoid detection.


The games primary, get to the plants wipe them out some how by over charging reactors. Some once you have done that it is over right you stopped production and destroyed all the DTS and super DTXs in the plants


You are informed…..


One massive shipment was placed aboard a imperial star cruiser.


Now you and a small band of rebels must sneak on to the cruiser.


Apon doing so you split up from Mara and some of the rebels go with her and or you.


The ship you are in is vast you will enter barracks, mess halls and other places as well as control rooms gun rooms ect. You will find many giant bays filled with troops both ST and DT. You must reach the bridge and stop the ship from reaching yavin.

After travaling level to level via air ducts and hallways and other means filled with STs and officers you kill the bridge crew and stop this ship and set it to blow but before you complete this you realize that there are two other smaller but equally large cruisers out in space now orbiting yavin and they carry hoards of troops these ship you can stop they send transports down but the dozens. These ships had gone undectected.


Prepare for the ultimate ground battle.


After you pilot a fighter down you see the mahem as troopers are bating down the rebels forces and are close to taking over the base and getting to Mon Mothma and others. You must fight you way slowly through the battle and get in the base fight your way to the command center were Mon Mothma is held captive by a supposed high ranking Imperial Commander who is well guarded by supper DTXs and STs.


Once there you take on the Super DT troops by leading them all away and killing them as you lure them around halls


Race back to the control room and confront the Imp who is holding mon mathma at gun point. You talk to him all the while a familiar face of Mara is moving up behind him. a single shot is fired….


The Commader without looking hold up a hand behind him and absorbs the fire. Then with a pulse send Mara in to a wall…


He is no Imp but a Sith Lord.


He lets Mon Mothma go and leads you to the interior of the Yavin base to a large open room were you fight to the death


Once over


Rebals forces dwindle but you pick up a dropped control box and shut down the DTS and the rebels begin to take adavantage until the ST surrender

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