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Going Gold 3/9/2002!?!


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Just think, if it goes gold tomorrow, they will have Jedi Knight II: Outcast completely finished and will begin the mass production on Monday. Not released Monday of course but they'll burn them! I've gotta say...I have not been this excited about a game since first was Doom and then the original Dark Forces: Jedi Knight. I'm beginning to show my age now. My first computer was a Commodore 64 with a 300-baud modem. Now you guys know I'm old....hehe

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy


"Union Jack" is an officially acceptable form, but the most accurate is "Union Flag" - the "Jack" is the pole the flag is run up, and the name rubbed off :)


I always though it was called the Union Flag is most cases but refered to as the Union Jack if it was on a boat.

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I always though it was called the Union Flag is most cases but refered to as the Union Jack if it was on a boat.


The Union Jack is the official name of the British Flag, the Union Flag is the navy flag (red background with the 'Jack in one quarter of the flag) displayed on all military and civilian British ships. (or is it the other way round, I can never remember :D )


'Going Gold' means two different things, in the music industry it means that a specific CD has reached a number of sales. In the computer industry it means that the finished game has been burnt to several WORMs and is ready for mass production.


Back on the subject of the thread 09/03/02! HOODY HOO!!!

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

The Union Jack is the official name of the British Flag, the Union Flag is the navy flag (red background with the 'Jack in one quarter of the flag) displayed on all military and civilian British ships. (or is it the other way round, I can never remember :D )


Other way around :)


When you mentioned about the Navy thing it reminded me where I'd heard about that - Portsmouth Historic Dockyards - the Navy started calling the Union Flag the Union Jack a long way back (can't remember when) and as I said, it rubbed off (although the official name is still Union Flag) :)

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Yay, i've proven myself right! :D I thought the game would go gold within the next week or 2. I mean it had to if they wanted to keep their late march release. Just hope they release a demo next week if they can even though it is not very likly.



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With quite a few recent games the trend has been not to release the demo until the game is actually out. I've got a feeling that this is what will happen to JO.


If they do release a single player demo then they'll not want to give away too much of the story. A multiplayer demo would give players a chance to try out the lightsaber which is obviously a big part of the game and i dont think they'll want people try it until after the full game is released.

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Maybe they'll make a demo AFTER it goes gold? I mean, they won't have anything ELSE to do :) Isn't that about when the JK demo came out? Like 2 weeks before the game? I remember playing it constantly and Force Pulling all the stormtroopers' weapons...and I remember waiting 3 hrs while the 20mb file downloaded :|

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It's good to come back from a skiing trip to read news like this. Now, don't beat me up or anything, but I had so much fun on my trip that I actually forgot about the game for the time.


Hope the date's accurate.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Where I come from the date in the month comes before the month



(logic i thought... smallest interval measured, followed by next, followed by year... none of this month, day, year crap :))



Fine, I'll change it, seeing as most of you probably come from america....

It's the same here

It's logic as you say

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that date is rediculas. in french they though us dd/mm/yy and in english its mm/dd/yy. i get confused all the time, so i usually just write dd/mm/yy cause it makes sense. its dang stupid, why did they decide to change it anyway?

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