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Is there going to be a Demo or not?


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I am in the zone rooms and I hear all this talk about demo today demo today demo saturday or sunday and they say that all their sources are from jediknightii.net can we just get someone from jediknightii.net to tell me for sure if there is going to be a demo before the game or not this way I don't have to anticipate anything.

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I'm not sure why you think we know...but I bet the demo will be released sooner rather than later. But, what's it matter, only a few more weeks for the game anyways! Personally, I'm at the point where if there isn't a demo this close to release, then just wait for the game to come out so nothing is spoiled. But, only LEC knows the answer...I wish I did. ;)



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I have a GREAT feeling that the demo is going to be released TODAY!! First of all, there are all of these rumors going around about it. Secondly, there are people doing tests at the MSN gaming zone...probably with a demo, and finally, there's a subtle hint on the main page of jediknightii.net. Under the headline about the new NRI report it says, "What an uneventful friday. :-) I guess it's not over yet." Why would that little smiley face and the comment about it not being over yet even be there if there wasn't something BIG coming. I say either the Gone Gold Announcement comes today or the demo comes today. AAARRGGHHH!! Now I'm going insane!!

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

If the game comes out first why bother with a demo

Well, they should release a demo before or after the game so people can test their computer to see if it runs properly or to see if they like it or not if they have doubts. But, it would make more sense releasing a demo before.

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Not really. It's all just marketing. I for one hope they do release a demo, but I do doubt it (prior to release). Lucasarts knows how much hype this is getting, so why waste time getting a demo? If they don't get a demo out, then people dont have the option to say "well, it wasn't as good as I thought...." These are just my views, sorry if I offended.

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I think they probably will release a demo, but I'm not getting my hopes up as to whether it'll be before or after the game is in stores. Don't forget, Lucasarts are going to have the full Lucas Marketing Machine behind this title as they haven't had a massive hit on the PC for ages. The last game I can think of that was moderately critically successful on the PC (apart from Galatic Battlegrounds - which had a mixed reception anyway) was Escape From Monkey Island. Prior to that, you'd have to go back as far as X-Wing Alliance or maybe even JK1. Just about everything else has been conversions of console games, or just so rubbish that most 'hardcore' pc gamers wouldn't touch with a very long stick. I think they're really hoping to recover their glory days with this title, from back when everything they touched seemed to turn to gold - or vast sums of cash anyway :) !

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