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Too much info


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Has anyone else realized that with just a couple weeks to go, we have run out of things to talk about? We know all the force powers, all the inventory, all the weapons, most of the saber moves, we've analyzed the movies to death, and we even know where multiplayer will be able to be played. It's like having New Years eve for a straight month. I want it to be New Years! I feel like the family when the doctor says "all we can do is wait". I KNOW all we can do is wait for it, but I'm so excited and there's so little left to find out that all that's left is playing the game! Hey Raven? It's time to send the thing...ok?

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The most we've done on these forums was speculation.. suggesting forms of gameplay that we think might have been cool, speculate on the exact nature of the force powers or whatever. There isn't much to do here any more except for speculate on release dates, tactics of existing powers/guns/etc. and single player.


I wouldn't complain to much right now, 'cause after the game is released, these forums will be flooded with people *****ing about some aspect of it :p

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I've got a bad feeling about this.



Somehow, I have this sinking feeling that the game is going to be disappointing. I really hope it isn't, but I can't help but feel that way. Anyone else here feel the same? Maybe its just a leftover 'vibe' from Obi-Wan, or the countless other games that failed to live up to expectations. Maybe our expectations are all so high that no game could ever live up to them.

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I highly doubt I will be disappointed in this game but I can see where you are coming from. It is hard sometimes for a game to fight it's own hype, whether diserved or not. I can only hope and wait, I know it will be fun. I hope it ends up being fun for you as well. :)



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LMAO!! Just goes to show: we only WANT what we can't/don't have!. .. .. The past months I've wanted to know every crap of info on this game - It's been 5 years since I bought JK. Now that we've been "spoiled" with info, and "all we can do is wait", the groaning has changed direction.


People are never satisfied. :)

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Here's something I am interested in knowing - not that I need to know before the game arrives ...


Why does Kyle only have the Bryar and stun baton at the start? He has been a successful mercenary for several years, blowing through imperial remnants ... and all he starts with is a poker and his ol' blaster?


I know it is somewhat customary in FPS to do the weak & unarmed to strong & uber-armed transition, but given that Kyle is already a developed character, I am hoping that we will get something in the way of an explanation - even something cheesy.

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