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Israel or Palestine: Who belongs?


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i shouldn't have said WWI started over an assassation, what I meant to say was that WWI was started by an assassination. There are too many causes for me to go into without writing a full length research paper (which I have written several on the topic), but in a nutshell: Archduke Ferdinand of Austria gets killed while in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in turn Austria declares war on Russia (ally of Bosnia), then Germany declares war on Russia, then Germany declares war on France, the Great Britain declares war on Germany, and so on and so forth. My point is this: the conflict between Israel and the PLO is potentially a beginning of a new World War, because all the allies of the PLO could declare war on Israel, causing the United States and its allies, to back Israel, hence, WWIII...I'm not saying its going to happen, but it is in the realm of possibility...

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Originally posted by xwing guy

...I think Isreal needs to stop the small attacks of revenge and just declare war and get rid of the Palenstines in order to get rid of the problem they have now.


*Prays to God that xwing guy never becomes involved in politics*

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Unfortunately people arent a disposable problem. Besides I dont agree that one side is right and the other wrong. There is no clear line. Murder is murder, everyone wants that to stop.


To assume the Good guys/Bad guys scenario is naive.


Understandably you are biased towards Israel, but from a neutral point of view, they have caused some atrocities too.

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Israel isn't really doing much to help peace either, and if they commited mass genocide on the Palestinians, that really wouldn't go well with me (And it shouldn't with everyone)


Everyone has a right to life (So you right-wingers say) There ARE many individuals in Palestinian controlled areas who probably have NOTHING to do with terrorism etc. Would you wanna kill them and trigger the wrath of another Osama? I think not.

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well, we also must think of it this way: you also forfeit your life when you run into a cafe and blow yourself up, or you pick up that sniper rifle and start shooting, or when you pick up a machine gun and let loose.


everyone has a right to a life. DON'T GIVE IT UP!


Israel has caused atrocities, but no where close to palestinian atrocities. I saw machine gun fire returned with a couple tank shells.

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God gave it to them, yet the Jews have never had possession of this land until that last 60 years or so, personally, I think Israel should remain intact, only because it would be impossible for the Israelis and the Palestinians to live together in one countrty...and I thought people hated each other in America, they take hate to a new level.

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Originally posted by xwing guy

It's Isreal's land, God gave it to them.


You make it sound so simple. I wonder how many Palestinians or Muslims agree with you, or share your belief in the bible.


I think the only realistic chance of peace is for Israel to share the land. Not to live together, but to give the Palestines some the land. And for goodness sakes get rid of that idiot Sharon!

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do you guys remember someone by the name of Ehud Barak? He offered nice amounts of land to be set up as palestine, but they absoloutely refused, and that is where we are now. They want it all or nothing. Well, there is not much that you can do with someone that wants all or nothing.

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Bah, if only it were that simple, Xwing. You seem to forget that there are other religons aside from Christianity and Judaism.


Rule 1 of Mediating


Don't take sides..


If there's gonna be peace

1. Moderate Isrealies and Moderate Palestinians have to lead the country

2. Palestine has to stop the terrorism and Israel has to stop invading Palestinian homes.

3. The mediator shouldn't take sides (AKA Xwing sure as hell shouldn't mediate)

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They need to stop killing each other but both fear that if they don't responed to one attack then one will let lose 100 sucide bombers and the other will just let losse a hunder bombers.


Heavyarms is right they did offer them some land and pulled out of other areas but that wasn't good enough. They want jersulm or atleast part of it and the isreals will NEVER give it up so this fighting my never end.



As for modrates coming to power not gonna happen both sides are at war and the people won't support people they see as weak.

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Some stuff;


Historically, it is Isreal's land. However, then nieghboring Islamic countries got really p***ed and tried to invade Israel. Then Isreal struck back, and invaded a large amount of land. (Well it's not really large in global terms, but it is if u are on foot)

Then why don't Israel just give back that territory.


I'm not against Israel or anything, they keep the mainland, but just give back that land.

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i belive that if either try to start another world war we go in kick both their asses and prevent any possiblity of nuckeler war


You see it is possible to destroy Palestine, but not Isreal, cause you see Isreal is under God's protection and they won't be destroyed. And I don't care if you don't believe in God but it's true.(and for those of you who don't believe in God, I couldn't care jack squat what you believe.)

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