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Bounty Hunter!!!

Boba Rhett

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I KNOW!!! This game is gonna be awesome, i'm gonna pick it up this afternoon. And as if the bounty hunter thing was enough of a bonus, get a load of this:


"There are almost 10 Bonus Craft to be opened, including TIE Fighters, the Advanced Freefall craft, Advanced Havoc craft, an X-Wing, Advanced Zoomer, Advanced Jedi Starfighter, the Sabaoth Fighter, Republic Gunship, and finally, Slave 1. The Bonus Material is even more fatty, with special footage of a new game (Star Wars Bounty Hunter), movie concept art, movie outtakes and team commentary to name a few."


This is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!! I can't wait.

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... You didn't think that out, did you? :p


There's plenty of games coming to the pc too. Starfighter was just released and JO will be out shortly and what about Galaxies and Kotor and the ports it'll be getting and the AotC games it'll be getting? It's getting plenty of games....not as many s I'd like but it's getting its fair share of titles.



The reason consoles are getting so many games is because if a game is on a console, it sells more copies, which equals more money. :) You'd do it too! ;)

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ok i forgot about JO and remebered about Galaxies...


but starfighter has been out for what 6 mounths before it came out to pc?


and knights won't be out on pc until after it is out on xbox or gamecube (can't remeber which).


But the last line is more what i was looking for... I knew there had to be a reason i just didn't know what it was.

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I picked up Jedi Starfigter this afternoon, THIS GAME IS AWESOME. It is one of the most fun games i've played in a long while. I can't wait till i unlock some bonus characters.


Anyways, the music in the game sounds new, so i presume it is from Episode II. I hope it is because it sounds very nice, you won't be dissapointed in it.


I'm not finished with the game yet, but so far it is great. If you have a PS2 then go out and buy it right now!

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I hope that the GameCube will be having more Star Wars games in the future. I loved Rogue Leader and I know the best is yet to come. BTW It's good to be back after a couple month respite. Did anybody miss me! Wait! don't answer that... :D


Wait a sec! something just hit me... is this a game where you play Jango Fett or another Bounty Hunter? That would kick butt! Man I was dreaming about games like this.... (rambles on and on and on...)

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