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I could see that someone could buy a x-wing, after all they are made by the same company that makes the headhunter right? But could someone buy a tie fighter? Otherwise without imperial service how could someone fly one?

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yup I think so, I remember when that darklighter guy who he sees in the hanger in episode 4 right before they go out to attack the death star, at their mission briefing that guy goes "we can't hit a target that small" and luke says "it'll be just like shooting whateverthehellhesays in beggers canyon at home".


Or was that wedge antilles he sees in the hanger?

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No, that's a T-16 Skyhopper. You can see it in the background in his shop. Come to think of it, yes, that's also the model he is playing with.


It's Biggs Darklighter he talks to in the hanger, and Wedge Antilles I believe in the briefing room. Just to clearify. :D


When he says Swoop, he means a Swoop Bike. Looks like a Harley .... without the wheels. :D

And THAT ain't a ship, OCH. :D

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Hey isnt that the bike that guy drives in the special edition of a new hope and almost crashes into that ronto with the 2 jawa on it??


Real spoiler down here.... no joke ... but i think a lot of folks already knew it :D


And isnt that the same bike Anakin is gonna use in episode II??


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I should have said Swoop Bike, then nobody's heads would have exploded. Yes, it isn't a ship but I won't need a ship when my job is going to be hunting Krayt Dragons.


You can see Swoop Bikes in the Special Edition of A New Hope and in The Phantom Menace as well as in one of the Attack of the Clones trailers.

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