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Enemy's In Outcast


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Uh.... what?


Personally I don't know if there are huge monsters like, say, the Rancor in MOTS or the Kell Dragons (big green monsters?) in JK.


But there is this




I thought at first it was an ysalamiri but note the note which says "stand up in attack mode" so I guess it's not. Can anyone else read the word before that? Looks like Bristols to me!


Would be nice to have a rancor or something tho.

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I hope there are a few unexpected enemies. The lightsaber battles look fun but it's always nice to vary it especially as you will be using your saber a lot more during the rest of the game. I wonder whether that monster from the conceptual art will make it to the final game? If so i hope i dont have to fight it with its Bristols up! :D

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I don't know about the battle dogs, but MotS had Vornskrs alright, they were powerful enemies. Somebody made a mod for a playable Vornskr, but he was pretty easily killed. ; p


Maybe the Ysalamari can bite you on the nose if you get too close?



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