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What'll be the biggest downer?


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I think what people are trying to do, is lower their expectations a bit, so they are less disapointed potentially, when the game comes out. Most of us admit our expectations are sky high, and this is a way of preparing for the things that inevitably won't be quite as great as we expect them to be.


That's not to say we won't like it or won't try it out, obviously most of us plan to. Nothing wrong with that...

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the biggest downer I think that could happen is if MP Saber play is as slow and restrictive as Rune MP combat felt..


also another potential down side: if the weapons resemble the fact that EF weapons all pretty much did the same thing with different colors, rate of fire, and damage.

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Ah, good point Deathbolt... Rune MP was really slow. Great fun for duels and Arena mode.. but deathmatch was pretty mediocre (run away and hide until you can grab the rune, destroy everyone easily, run out of rune power... die.... repeat)

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Finding out it's really a Star Wars Episode 1 DVD in disguise.


Raven junkie #1: MUAHAHAHAHAH! Good job with the Photoshop, mates, we fooled the little buggers!


Raven junkie #2: *sits giggling in the corner and does that evil thing with his fingers and chuckles gleefully.*

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My biggest downer is going to be when I get tired of using the lightsaber. The game will be practically over for me then. With most of the game centered on saber use what if it turns out to be boring? Everything gets boring over time, sooner or later you're going to get tired of kyle swinging his sabor and having a little blue trail follow him. I also noticed in the trailer that the gun of choice is the rail gun. The concusion was cool in JK because it could shoot long distances and was/is very accurate and fast and had a unique splatter effect to it. I just thought about all this stuff when I read this post so you guys stop posting threads like this :mad:

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I expect this will be a very good game-

What I really don't like and it is now far too late to change

The huge writing YOU KILLED -such and such. That was in EF and was really annoying.

The slowmo spin- Little developers repeat after me. Star Wars,

*Star Wars* Matrix *Matrix* Goood. Now why have you mixed them?

Uhh *IT LOOKS COOL* :mad:

The fact everyone is sabered.

On the other hand the wall jump is now a wall JUMP not a wall WALK.

No bat saber any more. Did you see those storm troopers go flying? No. We are just going to see them fall over. Watch the reborn who Kyle backward stabs ,Should be quite easy since that horrible slowmo is there, watch his saber! He cuts his own head off!

Ah well- at least you tried raven- try to lose the *It looks cool* syndrome. Thank god you added a function to turn that stupid slowmo off.

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Jedi mind trick - A bad compinsation for impossible and unimportant scenes to "get out of" in the original star wars movie. I can't wait to use jedi mind tricks on troopers in SP. Then I can blow them up with my handy rail gun and I'll get the feeling that i'm being "stealthy" and "sneaky".



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I would say the biggest downer will have to be the whole game.

(hhaha pissed you off , im jokin dont worry).The only downer I am really scared off is if it lags when you have 56k . Because we saw it on lan with no lag, but how bad will lag be on 56 k. Since im losing cable after may im really scared.

And I think this is a very good thread because as said befroe (i forgot by who) "It lowers expectations because right now our expectations are sky high" was the quote he said or something like that. So dont dis this thread.


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The biggest downer for me will be the way the MP turns out. 5 seconds on speed and only +75% doesn't cut it for me. I bet I could adjust that though if I run a server.


NF guns in JK2 will be almost exactly like quake 3.


I don't like the way the maps all look like EF maps or Bespin/nar. I wish they would've payed more attention to the two most popular maps: BGJ/Oasis.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

The biggest downer for me will be the way the MP turns out. 5 seconds on speed and only +75% doesn't cut it for me. I bet I could adjust that though if I run a server.


NF guns in JK2 will be almost exactly like quake 3.


I don't like the way the maps all look like EF maps or Bespin/nar. I wish they would've payed more attention to the two most popular maps: BGJ/Oasis.


let me guess.


You've played all the maps already?



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Everyone is pretty worried about MP, but I'm not. I don't think I've ever played a MP game and never had fun. I think that even if it isn't "up to your expectations" it will still be fun. The best thing about MP is the interaction with other people, so if the play isn't as good as you want it to be, it doesnt matter that much.

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Online Multiplayer with guns. The crouch/jump/shoot rocket launcher/strafe/move forwads all at once techinque will be overused. 'Bunny Hopping' they call it? I really do hope they limit that.


For the guy above: The Disruptor and Flechette are Star Wars weapons and they are in a book called "The Guide to Weapons and Technology of the Star Wars Universe" But I know what you mean. They haven't been seen in the movies so they are a bit odd and mysterious to us.

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Biggest downer for me will be my connection speed. A 56k that connects at 28.8. :p Oh well, at least my computer's on the high-end. Sort of makes up for it -- almost.


Other than that, one thing I'm really going to hate is when I'm in the middle of a lightsaber duel and some sniper from miles away, backstabs me with a bolt. Ouch.

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